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EIT Food South

Working towards a more innovative food sector in the southern European region.

What we do

As one of EIT Food Co-Location Centres, the CLC South was established in Spain in 2017 to build bridges among leading businesses, universities, research centres, institutes and the food market. It consists of partners from Cyprus, Italy, Israel Greece, Portugal and Spain and of local innovation hubs in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Turkey.

With a consumer-centric approach, our main goal is to deliver a healthier lifestyle for citizens by enhancing high-value-added cooperation and integration in order to stimulate innovation, talent development and consumer involvement.

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On the blog

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This day serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role women play in the business world. It's a moment to applaud their resilience, innovation, and unwavering dedication.
regional blog
Water is life. Water is nourishment. Water is food. Water is a shared responsibility.

Discover the EIT Food partners in this region

A total of 82 items found.

Innovation projects

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EIT Food presents GROW, a project that gives farmers an active voice and makes them leaders in shaping a sustainable and resilient food system.
We are glad to present you the first edition of CERES Awards by EIT Food South, which will be celebrated in the frame of the V FUN&FAN event on October 9th, in Bilbao (Spain). Apply until August 25th!

Upcoming events


Meet the EIT Food South team

    Begon âa Perez Villarreal2 1

    Begoña Pérez-Villarreal

    Regional Director – EIT Food South
    Pic elvira

    Elvira Domingo

    Regional Impact Portfolio Manager
    Miriam SASTRE

    Miriam Sastre

    Senior Regional Communications & Events Manager
    Amparo San Jose02

    Amparo de San José

    Regional Business Creation Portfolio Manager
    Juliet Bray01

    Juliet Bray

    Regional Programme Manager – Accelerator
    Aida Cortes01

    Aida Cortes

    Regional Finance & Administration Manager
    Retratos EIT 012

    Laura Ezcurra

    EcoSystem Manager

    Lara Rodríguez

    Senior Regional Project Manager
    Carmen Galindo3 2

    Carmen Galindo

    Key Account Manager
    Juan Zaffora02

    Juan Ignacio Zaffora

    Regional Programme Manager – Startups
    Izaskun Valle02

    Izaskun Valle

    Regional Project Officer – Startups
    Paula Hafner01

    Paula Hafner

    Key Account Manager
    Melissa Comellas02

    Melissa Comellas

    Regional Project Manager – Agriculture
    Iñigo Rodilla01

    Iñigo Rodilla

    Regional Project Manager
    Asier Sannio02

    Asier Sannio

    Regional Communications Manager
    Teresa Aguirre03

    Teresa Aguirre

    Ecosystem Manager
    Foto cv 1

    Belen Moscoso

    Corporate Venturing Manager
    Narjis Chakir01

    Narjis Chakir

    RisingFoodStars Programme Lead
    Alvaro Lage

    Alvaro Lage

    Regional Administrator
    Alba Molina02

    Alba Molina

    Regional Communications Officer
    Nestor Etxaleku02

    Nestor Etxaleku

    Regional Project Manager
    Jose Luis Pita Romero02

    Jose Luis Pita-Romero

    Agriculture Project Manager
    Javier Cuartero de Frías01

    Javier Cuartero de Frías

    Regional Project Officer
    Amelia Arnoult001

    Amélia Arnoult

    Ecosystem Manager South
    Raquel Fernández02

    Raquel Fernández

    Administrative Assistant
    Irene Mendoza02

    Irene Mendoza

    Communication Support Assistant

    Lorena Savani

    Mission Lead (Healthier lives through food)
    Joanne Mazoyer02

    Joanne Mazoyer

    Digital Communications & Campaigns Manager
    Claudia Ciovica

    Claudia Ciovica

    Digital Communications Officer
    Alessia Calderalo02

    Alessia Calderalo

    Digital Communications Officer

Work with us at EIT Food South

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Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom -
Deadline: February 23, 2024