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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) is a Life Sciences specialised academic  institution, ranked 11th worldwide and 4th in Europe.

UAM hosts 2 complementary Food&Nutrition Institutes:

  • CIAL (UAM-CSIC): focused on innovation in food design for nutrition and health.
  • IMDEA Food: targeting precision nutrition for human chronic disease prevention.

Competences & Capabilities

Working for the increment of competitiveness and  innovation   of   food   industry   through knowledge transfer from bench-to-fork. An integrated ecosystem is located  in  our  Campus to comply with the 3 pillars of  knowledge:  R&D,  entrepreneurship  and education.

Technological platforms:

  • Food and Nutritional Genomics Platform
  • Service platform for food industrial sector
  • Metabolomics platform
  • Bioanalytical techniques unit
  • Gastrointestinal simulator
  • Laboratory of cooperative activity in R&D
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Partner in the following EIT Food projects

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Become a partner

Be part of the world’s largest and most dynamic food innovation community.


Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.


This project is developing a nutritional supplement to support the immune system in the fight against infection by SARS-CoV-2
Discover the importance of public engagement in science and learn techniques to share and raise awareness of your research.
Creative infotaining is the future of knowledge transfer and co-creation among young generations.
The Curating Citizen Engagement project will revolutionise our way of solving grand societal challenges by creating a platform for massive public involvement and knowledge generation, specifically targeting food-related issues.
The European Food Systems Education and Training (EFSET) programme addresses the increasingly challenging array of food-related problems, such as food waste or malnutrition.
Students can make use of scientific and educational toolbox to create solutions for the practice along the food chain and possibilities for sustainable waste management.
The objective of FOODMIO is to generate a multidisciplinary, challenge-based learning program for bachelor, master and doctoral students, young researchers, and professionals.
Build your knowledge of food production challenges and technology
Develop in-depth knowledge about food systems through studying consecutively at three distinct European academic institutions and use your knowledge to drive the future transformation of the food system.
Discover the fascinating world of food science and feel empowered to make safe, healthy, and sustainable food choices.

WeValueFood 2020

2019 > 2020
WeValueFood (2-year project) has educated, engaged and advanced the young Europeans’ knowledge of and appreciation of food, thereby empowering the next generations to make the best choices about the food that they eat.
Creating smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe requires an infrastructure and capacity to stimulate and support innovation and entrepreneurship.
Co-creating initiatives to increase consumer trust in food


2019 > 2020
To create smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe we need to develop both infrastructure and capacity which stimulate and supports innovation and entrepreneurship.
The #AnnualFoodAgenda encourages consumers to think about the food they eat, increasing their knowledge of the entire value chain, and linking healthy diets to an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as to a healthier planet.
FOODIO was a challenge-based learning programme. It has been a novel way of creation of new food solutions for future innovation and highlights the modern way of teaching by creating together.