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EIT Community Initiatives

EIT Food is proud to be part of the EIT Community, a collaborative network formed by the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

By harnessing the collective expertise of the KICs, the EIT Community initiatives power innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity in Europe. We believe that together we can foster a competitive, inclusive, and sustainable European economy for generations to come.

New European Bauhaus: Promoting Sustainable Innovation

The New European Bauhaus initiative focuses on translating the European Green Deal into tangible change that improves citizens' daily lives. By working with startups, change-makers, civil society, and local authorities, the initiative sparks innovation and entrepreneurship, supports startups, and strengthens citizen engagement projects. It aims to create a more sustainable and inclusive Europe.

Driving the Uptake of Artificial Intelligence

The EIT Community is actively involved in promoting the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. Through initiatives such as AI Challenges, Sync Skills, and Joint Focus Groups, the EIT Community AI connects startups, businesses, and AI stakeholders. It aims to bridge the gap in AI skills and facilitate the adoption of AI technologies across various sectors.

EIT HEI Initiative: Boosting Higher Education

The EIT HEI Initiative is a collaboration between the EIT Community and higher education institutions (HEIs). It supports HEIs in enhancing the innovation and business skills of their students. Through the initiative, HEIs gain access to the EIT innovation ecosystem, expert coaching, and funding to develop innovation action plans aligned with their specific needs.

Deep Tech Talent Initiative (DDTI): Skilling one million European in Deep Tech

The Deep Tech Talent Initiative is a pioneering program aimed at skilling one million individuals in deep tech fields over the next three years. Deep tech innovations, which combine cutting-edge technology from various scientific and engineering disciplines, play a crucial role in addressing pressing global challenges. The DDTI equips individuals with the skills needed to drive innovation in these fields.

Girls Go Circular: Empowering Schoolgirls

The Girls Go Circular project is an initiative focused on empowering schoolgirls aged 14-19 with digital and entrepreneurial skills while raising awareness about the circular economy. By providing an online learning program, Girls Go Circular aims to equip 40,000 schoolgirls across Europe with the skills and knowledge necessary for a sustainable future.

EIT Alumni: Fostering Collaboration and Peer Learning

The EIT Alumni network provides a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and peer-to-peer learning. It connects alumni from various EIT Community programs and offers mentoring, coaching, and training opportunities. Through this network, alumni can enhance their managerial and leadership skills, fostering a community of lifelong learners and innovators.

EIT Campus online platform

The EIT Campus is a single platform bringing together diverse programmes in the world of innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship and technology.

Supernovas: Supporting Women in Tech and Business

Supernovas is a program within the EIT Community that aims to promote an entrepreneurial ecosystem with a stronger presence of women. It offers support to female-led startups, provides training for women in venture investment, and offers mentoring and networking opportunities for women leaders. Supernovas strives to address gender inequalities in tech and business, fostering sustainable growth and social justice.

Strategic Regional Innovations: Supporting the Innovation Communities that needs us

The EIT Community extends its support to innovation communities in countries categorized as "modest" or "emerging" in terms of innovation, based on the European Innovation Scoreboard. Through initiatives like EIT Jumpstarter, Infrabooster and Red Kalyna, the EIT Community provides training and opportunities for innovators and researchers in these countries, fostering innovation and research excellence.

Global Outreach: Building Connections Beyond Europe

The EIT Community plays a crucial role in connecting Europe's innovation ecosystem with global innovation hotspots. Initiatives such as Greenscale, Connect & Experience, Disrupt Me, and Bridging the Horizon facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange, and market penetration for European startups and companies. These initiatives enhance European leadership and contribute to addressing global societal challenges.

Facilitating Access to Finance

Collaborating with the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Investment Bank (EIF), the EIT Community works to facilitate investments for ventures supported by the KICs. This support contributes to the financial sustainability and diversification of revenues for startups, scaleups, and innovation projects within the EIT Community.

Shaping Tomorrow: telling EIT Community success stories

Every two weeks, this series of articles spotlights a start-up or initiative that received a helping hand from one of the collaborative initiatives EIT Food undertakes with other EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).