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The second Thematic Event of Nati00ns was all about gender and soil health

EIT Food, as active partner of Nati00ns, welcomed the second Thematic Event, an online event that gathered relevant stakeholders from all over Europe to address innovate woman in the agrifood system and soil health.

16 Jan 2024
EIT Food South

'Beyond Gender Barriers in the Agrifood System: Innovative Women Improving Food & Soil Health'

On January 11th, EIT Food hosted the second Nati00ns Thematic Event, titled 'Beyond Gender Barriers in the Agrifood System: Innovative Women Improving Food & Soil Health'. The online event took place from 10.00 to 11.30 AM and it delved into critical topics such as woman in the agrifood sector and the state of soil health in a world grappling with environmental challenges.

Nestor Etxaleku, Regional Project Manager at EIT Food, and Paula Hafner, KAM at EIT Food, played pivotal roles as hosts and moderators of the event. Etxaleku introduced the Thematic Event as well as giving a brief overview of the Nati00ns project, which served to engage with the audience and attrack future participants.

As the agenda followed, Amparo de San José, Regional Business Creation Portfolio Manager at EIT Food, addressed the role of women investors, emphasizing the need to amplify efforts to encourage more women into investment. Next in line was Damien Jourdan, Director of Open Innovation and Community Animation at Danone, who delivered an inspiring talk on soil health and its direct impact on our food and well-being. Lara Rodríguez, Senior Regional Project Manager at EIT Food, took the floor to introduce the FLIARA program and shed light on EWA, which focuses on supporting female entrepreneurship.

Then, it was time to listen to groundbreaking sucess stories of encouraging woman. Francesca Spagnoli, Head of Capacity Building & Research at ENoLL, presented the Gendered Innovation Living Lab (GILL) and discussed various tools developed by GILL to promote equality in society. The last to speak was Sultan GĂĽl, Co-founder of Microhobist and the winner of EWA Turkey, who unveiled her innovative project centered on plant growth promoter products to protect and enhance plants without any chemicals. The event concluded with Paula Hafner, who perfomed a short wrap-up and invited every person in the crowd to join the matchmaking platform of Nati00ns.

If you didn't have the chance to attend the Thematic Event, you can still join the next Thematic Event on January 18th. Take a look at the 3rd Thematic Event 'Industry engagement for sustainable soil health: Joining living labs' and book your spot!

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