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AN S.Coop is a second-degree cooperative formed by 160 agricultural cooperatives and 31,000 farmers and livestock owners.

Competences & Capabilities

Grupo AN acts as a central sales agency in the following divisions:

  • Cereal: Grupo AN is the largest cereal cooperative in Spain.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Grupo AN is a company of reference in terms of quality and offers fruits and vegetables in a wide range of formats: fresh, frozen, tinned and chopped.
  • Poultry: Grupo AN is the fourth largest operator on the Spanish poultry market.
  • Pigmeat industry: At a rate of 800 pigs per day. We are involved with key industrial partners.
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Youth Mission

2022 > 2023
project Impact Funding Framework
​Young people are a critical part of our future. They will deliver the deep change our world requires. Youth Mission is EIT Food’s Umbrella programme aiming to pique youth’s interest in the food that reaches their plates and become the…
Many vegetables including sweet corn, artichokes, potato and cabbage (e.g. Brussels sprouts) are not holistically used in food production although they are safe to consume (without or with further processing). In some cases, more than 50%…
The “EIT Food School Network” third year activities are focused on the organisation of four stakeholder workshops (school staff, key organisations involved in regulating schools, academics and policy makers). Due to the current…
Developing technology to improve food safety
The European Food Systems Education and Training (EFSET) programme addresses the increasingly challenging array of food-related problems, such as food waste or malnutrition.
The aim of the project will be to develop an interactive platform for families with children from different countries where they will have the opportunity to receive information and advice about how to improve their food habits and choices…
Knowledge of the food constituents (e.g. protein, carbohydrates) is important for consumers as indicators of nutritional value as well as for the food producers concerning processing quality.
The objective of FOODMIO is to generate a multidisciplinary, challenge-based learning program for bachelor, master and doctoral students, young researchers, and professionals.
Assessing and tracking changes in soil quality remotely
Enhancing vegetable crop yields for sustainable food production
Develop in-depth knowledge about food systems through studying consecutively at three distinct European academic institutions and use your knowledge to drive the future transformation of the food system.
Communicating the benefits of precision farming
Fruit crop protection is heavily dependent on chemical pesticides but consumers and fruit processors are increasingly interested in residue-free fruit.
Co-creating initiatives to increase consumer trust in food
Our objective is to produce a set of activities (summer schools, focus groups, professional workshops, stakeholders and community meetings, business creation support).
Enabling more effective and efficient weed control
Partnering with the world-leading corporates & research institutions in the agrifood space
The #AnnualFoodAgenda encourages consumers to think about the food they eat, increasing their knowledge of the entire value chain, and linking healthy diets to an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as to a healthier planet.
EATrends and food fashion week is raising awareness of the key trends that are shaping food innovation today, and empowering people to influence the way they eat.
Improving European farmers' competitiveness through technology transfer and innovation integration is essential to address future challenges in the sector. Increasing wheat grain quality and yield and enabling sustainable intensification…
Fruits, berries, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices are promoted as healthy foods that are consumed fresh or as part, for example snack bars, breakfast cereals or ready-to-eat meals.
As the world’s population continuously grows, achieving global food security, producing sufficient nutritious food that everyone can access, and doing so sustainably, is one of the greatest challenges faced today.
The aim of this project is to test and to promote solutions for the poultry industry in Italy, Poland and Spain in the area of safety risks for public health.