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Startups play a fundamental role in building a future-fit food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all.

EIT Food Entrepreneurship supports innovative, researchers, entrepreneurs, and impactful AgriFoodTech startups, every step of the way - from business propositions, market validation, business acceleration, tech validation to commercial upscaling.

Whatever stage you are at on your agrifood tech venture and journey - launch, accelerate or scale up - our three hands-on, equity-free programmes give the best chance for you to become a food system gamechanger and succeed.

Our agrifood tech entrepreneurship powerhouse connects thousands of startups to more than 200 leading corporations, universities, research centres, and investors, with the full support and resources of the European Union.


If you are an aspiring agrifood entrepreneur, a startup, or a scaleup, apply today to join one of our 2024 entrepreneurship programmes.

Our pan-European entrepreneurship programmes

LAUNCH - EIT Food Seedbed Incubator

For aspiring entrepreneurs and researchers looking for market-validated business propositions

Are you looking to explore and test the right product-market fit for your AgriFood Tech business innovation? 

Connect with 100+ potential customers and stakeholders to validate your market

Develop a business model and receive 1:1 coaching and entrepreneurial training

Receive 10,000€* in equity-free funding for travel to networking events across Europe

ACCELERATE - EIT Food Accelerator Network

For impactful agrifood startups looking for tech validation and commercial acceleration

Are you looking to boost your go-to market readiness and validate your tech to tackle the biggest challenges within our Food System? 

(Re-)shape your product tech development roadmap and win up to 50,000 EUR 

Grow and succeed with access to top-notch master classes, coaching and mentoring 

Partner with experts and key players from our network of 200+ leading corporates, investors and research centres

SCALE - EIT Food RisingFoodStars

For aspiring agrifood scaleups looking to successfully scale up their commercial capabilities

Are you an impact driven venture looking for the tools and network needed to grow rapidly?

Get access to 50+ mentors to design, challenge and implement your scaleup plan

Get privileged access to 100+ leading corporates and investors through events and matchmaking

Get hands-on support on your fundraising journey and commercialisation roadmap

Discover our partner and network opportunities

We facilitate investment opportunities for Europe’s most promising agrifood startups through financing and connection with our venture partners.
We facilitate corporate innovation by connecting world-leading industry with impactful agrifood startups.
Entrepreneurs can access all the support they need to create a thriving agrifood or FoodTech business.

Achieving sustainable and economic impact

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Companies supported by EIT Food from early entrepreneurs to companies that we support in scaling internationally
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direct support in grants and investments
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investments attracted by startups and scaleups supported by EIT
designed and tested innovations


Are you looking to get involved in the revolution of the agrifood system, but you are from a RIS country? We have everything you need.

Entrepreneurship programmes

entrepreneurship programme
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.
entrepreneurship programme
The EIT Food Agrifood Futures Expert Community brings together agrifood experts from business, academia and research backgrounds to share and collaborate around the most pressing agrifood challenges. The objective of this project is to…
entrepreneurship programme
Creative workshops designed to find solutions to current and future challenges in the food and agriculture system

On the blog

More blog articles
The 2023 Entrepreneurship Programmes provide targeted support to European startups at all stages of the innovation journey
Everyone stands to benefit from a transformation to a more equitable food system. International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate women leaders driving positive change.