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Malta is determined to address the agrifood challenges and work for a smart future

Benefitting from the innovation boom in agriculture

Even if Malta relies on imports to cover their food requirements, their agrifood sector remains relevant with excellent crops of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, their livestock industry allows them to produce enough milk for domestic consumption. However, what is at the centre of its agrifood economy is the fishing sector, which has driven a rise in seafood exports thanks to the introduction of fish farming.

Room for Improvement

With a high potential for using their expertise in food processing to compete in the export market, Malta has to get closer to sustainable agriculture, improve the quality of their produce and dramatically reduce the use of pesticides or fertilizers. EIT Food can promote links among accomplished European actors to find the key innovations that would make Malta’s agrifood sector become a top player at European level.

Maltese cuisine is the fusion of the cooking habits of the many civilisations who occupied the Maltese Islands over the centuries, and it is still based on herbs, olives, anchovies and olive oil.

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We are glad to present you the first edition of CERES Awards by EIT Food South, which will be celebrated in the frame of the V FUN&FAN event on October 9th, in Bilbao (Spain). Apply until August 25th!
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