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The 10 selected entrepreneurs for the third edition of EWA Spain are announced

Empowering Women in Agrifood Spain, an EIT Food entrepreneurship programme hosts 10 dedicated female entrepreneurs who have projects in the Agrifood sector

13 Jul 2022
EIT Food South

Empowering Women in Agrifood Spain, an EIT Food programme and implemented in collaborations with Naked Innovations, hosts 10 dedicated female entrepreneurs who have projects in the Agrifood sector, and 10 experienced mentors that are supporting them through a tailored program starting this July 2022.

This 6 month programme consists of a variety of trainings, networking opportunities and a pitch day towards the end of the program that will award 2 prizes of €10,000 and €5,000 to two entrepreneurs. The overall goal is to enable and develop their business and projects in order to have sustainable long-term growth!

The EWA program also provides an inclusive environment for the entrepreneurs to explore and share their personal journey, support each other, and create synergies and strong bonds within the community!

The 10 selected entrepreneurs for the third edition of EWA Spain are:

  • Guiomar Sánchez - BioProcesia: converting by-products of the food industry into protein with high nutritional value. We take advantage of by-products that the market does not take advantage of to create a product rich in protein and essential amino acids, increasing its shelf life. The circular economy is our reason for being.

  • Rocío Muñoz Requena - The Good Pro: Protein shake powder, made with carob germ flour and SCPs (proteins of microbial origin suitable for human consumption), which contains natural antioxidants plus microbial vitamin B12. Alternative to animal-based protein shakes that generate greenhouse effect, also suitable for vegans, coeliacs, lactose and fructose intolerant consumers.

  • Beatriz Gutierrez Miranda - El Bosque Rojo: is focused on bringing innovations from the implementation of a pioneering crop in Spain, to the enhancement of an undervalued plant species with no tradition of consumption, such as the rose hip , through a careful and innovative production process and launching new flavours into the market.

  • Iria Varela Campo - ODS Protein: ODS Protein produces alternative proteins through a fermentation process, with a formulation and texture suitable for incorporation as an ingredient in different food products. Its mission is to develop sustainable solutions to global protein consumption.

  • Berta Daina Trogue - Agro Biomaterials: we generate biomaterials from organic waste as an alternative to synthetic materials. We are an organic brand outside the conventions, with the aim of instilling values of ecological sensitivity and a sense of social responsibility in everything we do.

  • Francisca Moya - Neopedidos: Smart platform that brings together distributors and the HORECA channel in an intuitive and simple way and reduces the carbon footprint of distributors by 70%. Aims to improve sustainability: developing solutions to transform the traditional "produce-use-dispose" model towards a circular bioeconomy.

  • Alicia Vicens - Alcaparras D.O. Mallorca: High value product line made with capers from Mallorca, in the process of being certified as organic. A product with designation of origin that we seek to position as a gourmet product for the hotel and catering sector and for tourists.

  • Olivia Ragni - Sustainable wine/winery: Innovative model for the wine sector focused on integrating concepts of regenerative farming, permaculture, and agroforestry. In addition, a winery that is carbon-neutral and co-working.

  • Carla Quiroga Morales - ShopSmilesApp: The first sustainable marketing platform that builds brand loyalty. ShopSmiles rewards people for preferring partner products, thereby incentivising further consumption by your existing customers and reaching other potential customers. It seeks to help consumers’ habits, encouraging the consumption of more sustainable products by introducing healthy products and rewarding their consumption.

  • Yla Eunice Zapater Sanz - UMAMI: We offer vegetable cheeses made with nuts, mainly cashew nuts or organic almonds from Lower Aragon. We make up to 9 different varieties using local products such as olive oil, black olives, rosemary and thyme or almonds, where these products have been collected by our neighbours, friends or customers.

The Program

14th of July

Welcome Session

19th-21st of July


4th & 11th of Aug

Design Thinking

1st of Sept

Business Strategy

15th of Sept

Communication & Branding

22nd of Sept


29th of Sept


5-6th of Oct

InnovEIT Bilbao + Masterclass

20th of Oct

Marketing & Sales

27th of Oct

Team, Culture, and Community




Investment Readiness


Network with EWA Europe

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