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EWA | Empowering Women in Agrifood

Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.


110 talented female entrepreneurs from 11 countries (Estonia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine) with modest to moderate innovation rates will go through a 6-months entrepreneurial programme tailored to create business solutions for specific challenges in agrifood. 

After this period, they will have the required knowledge, confidence and support to meet and exceed their aspirations, leading them to successfully start and develop sustainable businesses.  The programme is designed for women regardless of their age, family situation, experience in business. We just need your idea and willingness to revolutionize the food system together with us! 

Applications for the 2023 EWA are closed.


Online training

  • Selected entrepreneurs will benefit from 6 months long tailor-made training on specific business and entrepreneurial topics and access to resources to improve their skills.

Mentorship/ Ongoing Support

  • More than 20 hours of personalised mentoring, from experts in business, agrifood and successful entrepreneurs. EIT Food Startup Guide will be offered free of charge.

Power of community

  • Participation in entrepreneurship and networking events with high-level stakeholders. All applicants will have access to our EWA Community and will benefit from a network which provides direct access to over 500 mentors and female entrepreneurs within the agrifood ecosystem.

Funding opportunities

  • Beneficiaries will have the chance to win up to 10,000 euros per country, discover other EIT Food programmes and access investors, and corporates to take their businesses to the next level.


  • More than 260 female entrepreneurs have received support, mentoring and training from EWA between 2020-2022.
  • We have granted almost 400.000 EUR in prizes to best in class entrepreneurs during final pitching competitions.
  • Our networking events (+25) connected startups, solopreneurs, corporates, investors and the agrifood ecosystem in general, creating new partnerships and opportunities for stakeholders.
  • Over 40 agrifood startups have grown on their number of clients, employees or financial turnover.
  • 20 new female led businesses have been registered through and after the programme (next 3 years).
  • More than 12M Euros attracted by EWA entrepreneurs/startups on investment.
  • Entrepreneur’s feedback and monitoring process reveal the satisfaction with the programme (over 8 out of 10) and the level of business growth achieved during those 6 months, proven by new agreements with investors, first clients and employees and confidence in communicating to stakeholders.
  • The Open online platform gathers now over 500 female entrepreneurs and mentors in the agrifood sector that are benefiting of resources, contacts and trainings.


Send us an email to:

Project lead

Lara Rodríguez EIT Food South

Senior Regional Project Manager

Aleksandra Bara EIT Food North & East

RIS Project Manager

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