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EIT Food’s Missions

EIT Food operates through a Mission-led approach which puts improving outcomes for people and planet as the starting point for our work.

Why a Missions-led approach?

EIT Food is a community which has come together to respond to the biggest issues in the food system affecting our lives. A Mission-led approach which puts needs first is our way of focusing our efforts on improving outcomes for people and planet as the starting point for our work.

We know we have to make choices to prioritise our investments, funding, advocacy and interventions to make a real, tangible difference. Missions help us form those priorities to put a better shape and direction to solving issues such as the contribution of diet to obesity and Non-Communicable Disease, environmental harms associated with the food system and the threats to us all around food integrity and complex supply chains.

Our community is pivotal to shaping the goals and direction of our Missions, and you can play a part by joining this community.

What are the three Missions?

Healthier Lives Through Food

We will make a material difference to quality of life by enabling more consumers to have better choices through access to affordable, healthier products and actionable information.

A Net Zero Food System

We will enable the transition to a net zero food system, measuring and quantifying the change through reduced CO2 equivalent emissions. We will do this by:

  • Enabling farmers and producers to lead the transition to regenerative agriculture.
  • Creating new markets and opportunities to reduce our food waste and food loss in production.
  • Empowering consumers, making their food purchasing choices count and play a crucial role in the circular food economy.

Reducing Risk for a Fair & Resilient Food System

We’ll improve food security and safety for consumers everywhere by enabling and establishing resilient and dependable digitally enabled food supply chains.

How has our community co-designed the approach?

We went out to our community and friends to build three teams of co-design experts. The objective was to come together and identify high value and high impact opportunities for each Mission over the next three years.

Each Mission team ran an open programme of research, consultation and systems thinking co-design workshops to produce detailed reports, including key Mission insights and recommendations for EIT Food to consider in order to drive forward our vision. These reports stretch beyond the boundaries of what we can do ourselves as the EIT Food community, and we are making these publicly available to help others take action with us. If these reports inspire you, please come and talk to us to see how our community can work together with you to make change happen.

How do I get involved?

We have used the recommendations set out within the Mission Insight Reports to make the best choices for our community in making food systems change happen. Choices for our investments, funding, advocacy and interventions. Choices that will enable us to make a real, tangible difference.

Missions help us to always put the change we need to see at the top of our thinking and planning. We know we must pay attention to the major enablers or barriers that must be addressed for the long term, and at the same time, make decisions on where we need to invest in urgent solutions in the short term - creating the building blocks of a systems change for tomorrow.

This Missions approach is reflected in our Impact Funding Framework. We’ve launched this competitive, open call to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.

If you have an idea that will change food systems for the better, we want to fund it!

Impact Insights

With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s Healthier Lives Through Food mission with this fact sheet.
With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s Net Zero Food System mission with this fact sheet.
With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s mission Reducing Risk for a Fair and Resilient Food System with this fact sheet.