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Impact Insights: A Net Zero Food System

With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s Net Zero Food System mission with this fact sheet.

This fact sheet includes key takeaways and recommendations from EIT Food’s mission insight report, A Net Zero Food System and has been designed to guide applications for EIT Food’s Open Call.

The four priority areas where EIT Food can have the most impact are:

  • Agriculture and primary production
  • Food loss and food waste
  • Food and beverage packaging
  • Protein diversification

Three key enablers to these priority areas:

  • Data and value chain integration and measure, report, verify (MRV) processes
  • Overcoming barriers to behaviour change in the farming community
  • Changing consumer behaviour

Dive into the detail

Key findings


Enablers for change

Got an idea that will change food systems for the better?

We’ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.