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A Net Zero Food System Insight Report

In this report, co-designed and authored by Queen’s University Belfast, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) Engage, University of Cambridge, University of Reading, Kerry Group and Worth The Squeeze Ltd, read the key insights and recommendations behind EIT Food’s delivery of the mission on A Net Zero Food System.

17 Apr 2023

In this report, discover the four hotspots within the food system recommended to achieve net zero:

  • Tackling greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture with an emphasis on Regenerative Agriculture
  • Food waste and food loss
  • Packaging reduction
  • Protein diversification

and learn more about the supporting enabling impact pathways identified: consumer behaviour change, farming practice change and data and value-chain integration with MRV methods.

EIT Food is a community which has come together to respond to the biggest issues in the food system affecting our lives. A Mission-led approach which puts needs first, is our way of focusing our efforts on improving outcomes for people and planet as the starting point for our work.

Towards the end of 2022, we commissioned a co-design team of Partners, experts and food system stakeholders to run an open programme of research, consultation and systems thinking workshops on our Healthier Lives through Food Mission. The objective was to identify where and how we can have the most significant and distinctive impact over the next three years. The output of this work is the Net Zero Food System Insight Report.

This report stretches beyond the boundaries of what we can do ourselves as the EIT Food community, so we are making these publicly available as a call to others to take action with us.

We would like to thank the authors and teams behind this report.

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