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Impact Insights: Healthier Lives Through Food

With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s Healthier Lives Through Food mission with this fact sheet.

This fact sheet includes key takeaways and recommendations from EIT Food’s mission insight report, Healthier Lives Through Food, and has been designed to guide applications for EIT Food’s Open Call.

The three priority areas where our EIT Food community believe we can have the most impact are:

  • Improving product choice and supply for a balanced diet for people and planet
  • Diversifying protein choices for food products
  • Optimising the nutrient density of food.

Real progress to prevent diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) across the life cycle needs radical food systems transformation so that nutritious, safe, affordable, and sustainable diets are available to all people. This also needs to be associated with the importance of exercise.

Addressing diet-related NCDs can only be achieved through dietary behaviour change, which requires a variety of stakeholders working hand in hand to set priorities for NCDs to be tackled and action points to be addressed.

Above all it requires the engagement of all populations, including disadvantaged groups who may lack the financial resources, time and/or knowledge to make major lifestyle changes.

Dive into the detail

Key findings

NCDs to prioritise

Got an idea that will change food systems for the better?

We’ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.