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Impact Insights : Reducing Risk for a Fair and Resilient Food System

With the launch of EIT Food’s Impact Funding Framework, dive into the detail of EIT Food’s mission Reducing Risk for a Fair and Resilient Food System with this fact sheet.

This fact sheet includes key takeaways and recommendations from EIT Food’s mission insight report, Reducing Risk for a Fair and Resilient Food System and has been designed to guide applications for EIT Food’s Open Call.

The four priority areas where EIT Food can have the most impact are:

  • Resilient and sustainable farming practices
  • Urban integration of food
  • Radical transformation of the supply chain and new retail models
  • Extended producer responsibility and true cost accounting

Two key enablers to these priority areas:

  • Digitalisation of consumer communication and labelling to build trust
  • Food insecurity indicators and framework development

Dive into the detail

Key findings


Enablers for change

Got an idea that will change food systems for the better?

We’ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.