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The founders of Oscillum, chosen among 30 leaders under 30 in Spain

The Alicante-based company, promoted in the EIT FAN Accelerator, uses smart labels to check the freshness of food.

13 Mar 2023
EIT Food South

Its three founders, Pablo Sosa (27), Luis Chimeno (26) and Pilar Maria Granado (27), have made the '30 Forbes under 30' list for their innovation to 'improve food safety and sustainability in the agri-food industry'.

The deadline for applications to participate in the 2023 edition of the EIT FAN Accelerator and the Seedbed incubator is 26th of March.

Once again, a company promoted by the EIT Food Accelerator Network (FAN) entrepreneurship programme has obtained a prestigious international recognition. The three founders of the company Oscillum (Pablo Sosa, Luis Chimeno and Pilar Maria Granado) have entered the list '30 Forbes under 30' that the magazine prepares in Spain and highlights the most relevant people under 30 years of the year in different areas of innovation.

Oscillum, as the magazine itself reviews, is a biotech company that focuses on developing smart labelling to provide real-time information. In 2017, its three founders discovered that the lack of information about our food causes more than 173 kg of food to be wasted per person, while food poisoning occurs due to contamination in the home. 'The passion of these three biotechnologists (from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche) for science and its applicability in society led them to found Oscillum in 2019, where their smart labelling changes colour once it is applied to food, improving food safety and sustainability in the agri-food industry'.

The company has experienced significant growth in recent years, following its participation in the EIT FAN Accelerator. This EIT Food accelerator supports entrepreneurs in the validation of their technologies and allows them to accelerate their businesses and bring them to market.

Thanks to this and other entrepreneurship programmes, EIT Food supported a total of 464 start-ups in the last year, which managed to raise an investment of 407 million euros. The companies supported launched 15 innovative products and services on the market.

The registration period is currently open for new applications for the 2023 edition, both for the Seedbed incubator and the EIT FAN accelerator. Both are looking for cutting-edge projects to support. Registration is open until 26 March in both cases. All the information can be found here.

As a reference for last year, more than 350 applications were received from all over Europe. In addition to the case of Oscillum, other projects that have participated in these EIT Food programmes have had great growth and international recognition, such as Isauki Foods (based in Bilbao), Novameat (Barcelona), Nucaps (Navarra), Kyanos (France) and Libre Foods (Barcelona).

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