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Innovation workshop within the AHFES project

A practical workshop to help SMEs in the Basque food sector learn techniques aimed at promoting the success of their innovations.

29 Jun 2021
EIT Food South

Organized by the Euskadi Food Cluster - Euskadiko Elikaduraren Clusterra together with EIT Food, and framed in the European project AHFES - Atlantic Area Healthy Food Eco-System Project, the workshop sought to help companies in making decisions that require the key stages of innovation processes.

To do this, they have been shown various methodologies aimed at enhancing success in the idea of ​​new products and services. In the section of revitalization, led by Miriam in Change, companies have had the opportunity to experience these techniques. Participants had to respond to certain challenges posed around the Silver Economy and healthy aging, such as giving greater visibility to the senior population in their communication campaigns, launch adapted products that meet their needs, or use the servitization as an added value to offer you a better shopping experience.

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