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Collaborate with EIT Food on finding innovative solutions for water scarcity

The Water Scarcity Programme is a cross KIC activity in which several KICs & partners have joined forces to face the real challenges around water scarcity.

09 Mar 2021
EIT Food South

EIT Food is leading a cross-KIC activity designed to alleviate water scarcity in Southern Europe. The main objective of the programme is to ease the transition to a water saving economy across Southern Europe and to contribute, in the long run, to reduce Europe’s water consumption, wastage and pollution. To achieve that, we support innovators and we have engaged with several stakeholders along the whole value chain.

Water plays a central role in how societies mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. A holistic approach considering water, the biosphere, and the anthroposphere is required to provide sustainable agricultural and economic systems that will allow us to decelerate climate change, protect us from extreme events and adapt to the unavoidable at the same time.

EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and Athena, BioAzul joint forces to face this real challenge with Finding innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe, a multiannual programme (2020-2022) to provoke change in the way we collectively use water sharing knowledge among a group of international experts called Body of Knowledge; nurturing innovations by supporting a 3 steps InnoWise Scale programme for bold scaleups; powering education with a specialised Water Academy; telling new stories to engage people as agents of change.

We are looking for partners to collaborate with us! For further information, please, contact:

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