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Food System Master of Science Programme

Develop in-depth knowledge about food systems through studying consecutively at three distinct European academic institutions and use your knowledge to drive the future transformation of the food system.


The programme is based on a combination of essential entrepreneurial skills, which will help students to become an effective innovator, and key technical skills that are tailored to their career ambition in the sector.

The Master in Food Systems programme is developing top talent for the food sector, by training the leaders of the future. Organised by leading academic institutions and industrial partners from across our Partner network, this programme aims to prepare students to drive a future transformation of the food system and increase the competitiveness of the companies they chose to work for. 

By working with colleagues who have a wide variety of different academic backgrounds, students will become creative leaders and team builders capable of bringing distinctive points of view along with novel solutions for tomorrow's consumers and citizens. 

Students will accomplish this by taking a 'learning and experimental' journey through our network of industrial, academic and entrepreneurial partners. 

By the end of the programme, students will be able to: 

  • Identify short and long-term future consequences of decisions involving different components of the food system from an integrated scientific, ethical and inter-generational perspective, and merge this into a solution-focused approach. 
  • Translate innovations into feasible business solutions for the food sector. 
  • Think beyond boundaries, and systematically explore and generate new ideas, responding to current and future challenges within the food system. 
  • Use knowledge, ideas and technology to create new or significantly improved products, services, processes, new business models or jobs in the food sector. 
  • Use cutting-edge research methods, processes and techniques towards new venture creation and growth, and apply these in cross-disciplinary teams and contexts. 
  • Transform practical experiences in different areas of the food sector into research problems and challenges. 
  • Develop decision-making and leadership competencies. 

Graduates will become part of an international alumni network, and we will connect students with our entire professional network so that they have access to the right support when they want to innovate or create a new venture at any point in their career.


Desi Vanrintel

Head of Education Services

Andreas profile Pic
Andreas Glombitza-Cevey

MFS Academic Manager

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