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Circular Food Systems

We are encouraging the shift from linear to circular, sustainable food systems, in which resources are reused, nutrients recycled, by-products reduced and what remains is reutilised.

Transitioning to a circular economy

Our current linear model of ‘make, use, and dispose’ is inefficient, wasteful and unsustainable. We need to move from this to a circular food system where we use resources more efficiently and re-use side and waste streams. At EIT Food, we are working with entrepreneurs and food system stakeholders to drive innovation forward and scale sustainable, circular food solutions.

in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).
in the media
Engaging men is a critical part of the solution to the problem of gender inequality for female agrifoodtech entrepreneurs, reveals new research from KK&P.
Reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration through biological charcoal (biochar) and compost
in the media
Seven winning projects are set to accelerate innovation in the aquaculture sector following selection in EIT’s Food’s sustainable aquaculture competition. They focus on topics including optimizing the shelf life of seafood products,…

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

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Innovative market platforms, like Get Wasted and Circado, aim to solve food waste by giving food surpluses, residual flows and waste streams a market value.
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.

How to predict trends in a pandemic

April 19, 2021 - Speciality Food
in the media
Fine food providers are striving to stay ahead of changing trends and consumer demands while managing the ongoing ambiguity over the mid-to-long-term future, writes Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe.

Transitioning to a circular economy

A circular food system could phase out the concept of food waste as we know it, contributing to a more sustainable world... but what are the key challenges and solutions?

Converting waste from oat processing into a valuable product
Making paper packaging more recyclable and versatile
in the media
A third of all food produced globally is either lost or goes to waste, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. How can innovation in and around packaging be used in the fight to tackle one of the world’s most pressing…

Related partners

in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).
in the media
Engaging men is a critical part of the solution to the problem of gender inequality for female agrifoodtech entrepreneurs, reveals new research from KK&P.
Reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration through biological charcoal (biochar) and compost
in the media
Seven winning projects are set to accelerate innovation in the aquaculture sector following selection in EIT’s Food’s sustainable aquaculture competition. They focus on topics including optimizing the shelf life of seafood products,…
Innovative market platforms, like Get Wasted and Circado, aim to solve food waste by giving food surpluses, residual flows and waste streams a market value.
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.

How to predict trends in a pandemic

April 19, 2021 - Speciality Food
in the media
Fine food providers are striving to stay ahead of changing trends and consumer demands while managing the ongoing ambiguity over the mid-to-long-term future, writes Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe.
Converting waste from oat processing into a valuable product
Making paper packaging more recyclable and versatile
in the media
A third of all food produced globally is either lost or goes to waste, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. How can innovation in and around packaging be used in the fight to tackle one of the world’s most pressing…
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