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The success of the EIT Food RIS Fellowships project - how we managed to overcome challenges

We are proud to announce the spectacular success of EIT Food RIS Fellowships 2020 edition!

11 Nov 2020
EIT Food North & East

Congratulations to 54 students, who among the limitations and challenges that appeared due to COVID-19 took part in a professional internship. Thanks to their impressive knowledge, engagement and being extremely flexible, they were able to move abroad and take a chance to develop their competencies of analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving and communication. 

Some of ​the 2020's participants decided to make cross-country mobility, while few of them took a chance to take part in an on-line type of internship. Additionally, being updated with government changes, many interns mixed modes during the hybrid type of internship. Twenty-two host companies have shown great engagement and support. 

In each company, there was a mentor who was directly taking care of an intern. Sharing their knowledge and supporting hands-on experience gave students the possibility to enhance their so much needed competences.

It is certainly enough to say that students are pleased to take this internship opportunity and improve their hands-on experience in the agri-food sector. Moreover, they enhanced the business network by working in an international environment. Although they met a few challenges on their way, they all say that it was a precious and developing experience.

(...) everyone is very nice, and I like what I'm doing! :)'- Patricia Goncalves

"I am grateful that I am doing the EIT Food Internship. I had learned so much. There is work to be done in the food sector, and so many new things are happening. - Alexandros Vallianatos

It is worth to add that many of our PhD students were very satisfied with the opportunity to carry on their R&D works and have the possibility to verify current results with the fresh look of business mentors. Meanwhile, master students got out of their comfort zone, moving abroad and meeting new and genuinely different working environment, having a chance to develop work-related skills and competencies. Participants assured us that it was worth to take effort to get this chance!

​"I am having a great time here by having the opportunity to perform experiments and develop my project. I am learning many things, and I am making the most out of the experience :)" - Paula Hernandes

About EIT Food RIS Fellowships 

Each year MSc students and graduates with different educational backgrounds as well as Ph.D. students and post-docs from 28 RIS countries discover job opportunities in the food industry, by getting unique, professional, paid, 3-6 months internships. Participants will reveal their talents in agri-food sector, throughout gaining hands-on experiences and strengthening their job-related skills, including analytical thinking and creative problem-solving.

The project enhances the innovativeness of personnel in the agri-food industry and targets candidates from all EIT RIS countries. RIS Fellowships candidates will apply academic knowledge in practical real problematic situations of the EIT consortium companies. At the same time, RIS Talents doctoral students and young post-docs will participate in R&D projects carried out by EIT Food partners. Internships offered will be based on the individual programmes focused on the intern experience and ongoing activities in the companies. The selection process of candidates will be implemented as an open call, using clear and transparent selection criteria.

Congratulations to all students, and if you are interested in next year's opportunity, check our website in February 2021 to find all instructions!

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