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Call for expressions of interest to organise the EIT Food Startup Awareness Event

EIT Food is looking for three organisations, each based in one of the following countries: Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine, to organise the EIT Food Startup Awareness Event for the local agrifood ecosystem in September-November 2021.

09 Jul 2021
EIT Food South

Background information

The organisations invited to apply for this call should be based in one of the following countries: Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine. One organisation will be selected from applicants representing Cyprus or Malta, and two from the following countries: Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine.

The main goal of the events will be to introduce EIT Food programs and activities to the local agrifood and innovation ecosystem and scout for potential participants of EIT Food entrepreneurship programs. The events will also aim to bring together the members of the local agrifood ecosystem and initiate the discussion about the current state and challenges of the ecosystem in relation to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Benefits for the selected organisations

Three candidates chosen by EIT Food to organise the event will be offered the following benefits:

  • Ability to benefit from the association with EIT Food and the EIT community (as subcontractors in EIT Food activities);
  • Subcontracting agreement with EIT Food’s Co-Location Centre North-East or Co-Location Centre South with gross funding of up to 10,000€ (per event) to cover the eligible costs of the EIT Food Startup Awareness Event’s planning and organisation;
  • Expertise and organisational support of EIT Food and Co-Location Centre North-East and Co-Location Centre South in organising and implementing the event;
  • Opportunity to become associated with EIT Food, establish relations with its community and become better embedded in the EIT Food activities;
  • Increased visibility in the local innovation ecosystems, strengthening their position on the regional and national levels.

Selection process

Interested and eligible organisations are invited to submit their applications in English by 23:59 CEST on 23 August 2021, using the “EIT Food Startup Awareness Event – Application Form”.
Please send the electronic version of the application, based on the form provided below, to: Incomplete applications or applications submitted by ineligible organisations will be automatically rejected.

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