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Net Zero Food System

We will enable the transition to a net zero food system, measuring and quantifying the change through reduced CO2 equivalent emissions.

The food system is responsible for almost a third of greenhouse gas emissions, with connected challenges such as food waste, resource depletion and energy consumption. To reach net zero and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis, we must scale a systems approach to change that enables the transition to sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices, creates new markets and opportunities for food waste and loss reduction, and empowers all stakeholders to play an active role in the circular food economy.

Want to learn more about the opportunities to achieve a net zero food system?

Transitioning to a sustainable food system is more important than ever before. What role does agriculture play and how can the agrifood industry accelerate a just transition?
A circular food system could phase out the concept of food waste as we know it, contributing to a more sustainable world... but what are the key challenges and solutions?
The EIT Food report “Direction: Restaurant of the Future” summarises the research study and co-creative work of the leaders of Polish gastronomy.
Regenerative agriculture offers one of the greatest opportunities to help Europe address human and climate health, along with the financial well-being of farmers. EIT Food has created a series of activities for farmers, agri-food…

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Consumer insights at the centre of key agrifood sector topics.
in the media
Farmers were identified by innovation group EIT Food as the most trusted players in the food sector. Saskia Nuijten, director of communication and public engagement, explains how they can continue gaining support from the public.
As global demand for protein increases, aquaculture is playing a growing role in feeding the population, but is aquaculture sustainable and can it be used to address the SDGs?
Podcast #65

Addressing gender bias: how to build an equitable food system

Gender equity is better for business - so why do gender barriers still exist? How do we ensure we are designing a fair and equitable future…
Young people are instrumental in shaping the future of food and deserve a voice. Here we explore the key findings of the recent EIT Food report about Gen Z, 'Our Food, Our Food System', which seeks to understand what young people want,…
in the media
The current crop of start-ups under the wing of EIT Food - Europe's largest food innovation initiative - illustrate the challenges the plant-based sector is looking to overcome.
We are working with motivated youth representatives accross Europe - the FutureFoodMakers - to ensure that the views of the next generation are heard.
in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).
Transitioning to a sustainable food system is more important than ever before. What role does agriculture play and how can the agrifood industry accelerate a just transition?
A circular food system could phase out the concept of food waste as we know it, contributing to a more sustainable world... but what are the key challenges and solutions?
The EIT Food report “Direction: Restaurant of the Future” summarises the research study and co-creative work of the leaders of Polish gastronomy.
Regenerative agriculture offers one of the greatest opportunities to help Europe address human and climate health, along with the financial well-being of farmers. EIT Food has created a series of activities for farmers, agri-food…
Consumer insights at the centre of key agrifood sector topics.
in the media
Farmers were identified by innovation group EIT Food as the most trusted players in the food sector. Saskia Nuijten, director of communication and public engagement, explains how they can continue gaining support from the public.
As global demand for protein increases, aquaculture is playing a growing role in feeding the population, but is aquaculture sustainable and can it be used to address the SDGs?
Podcast #65

Addressing gender bias: how to build an equitable food system

Gender equity is better for business - so why do gender barriers still exist? How do we ensure we are designing a fair and equitable future…
Young people are instrumental in shaping the future of food and deserve a voice. Here we explore the key findings of the recent EIT Food report about Gen Z, 'Our Food, Our Food System', which seeks to understand what young people want,…
in the media
The current crop of start-ups under the wing of EIT Food - Europe's largest food innovation initiative - illustrate the challenges the plant-based sector is looking to overcome.
We are working with motivated youth representatives accross Europe - the FutureFoodMakers - to ensure that the views of the next generation are heard.
in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).
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