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Healthier Lives Through Food

We will make a material difference to quality of life by enabling more consumers to have better choices through access to affordable, healthier food products and actionable information.

Nutritious, diverse food choices can benefit people and planet, but challenges in affordability, profitability and lack of awareness means unhealthy food products are often favoured by both industry and consumers. To increase the uptake of balanced, sustainable and healthy diets, we need greater levels of awareness about the relationship between nutrition and health, increased support for innovative solutions for affordable products, and policy interventions that prioritise soil health, nutrition and food education.

Want to learn more about opportunities to achieve healthier lives through food?

What are the key challenges when it comes to nutrition labelling in Europe and what more can be done to empower consumers to make healthier food choices?
Ensuring infant formula promotes healthy gut microbiome
Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.

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Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.

How to predict trends in a pandemic

April 19, 2021 - Speciality Food
in the media
Fine food providers are striving to stay ahead of changing trends and consumer demands while managing the ongoing ambiguity over the mid-to-long-term future, writes Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe.
Reversing the obesity epidemic by detecting risks in childhood
Monitoring complex food products to increase trust in food
Using rapeseed protein to produce dairy alternatives
Increasing access to more nutritious plant foods
It is well known that alternative proteins can carry sustainable and ethical advantages over meat, but are we sacrificing our health for the planet’s?
Using new alternative proteins ingredients to produce high quality meat alternatives
What are the key challenges when it comes to nutrition labelling in Europe and what more can be done to empower consumers to make healthier food choices?
Ensuring infant formula promotes healthy gut microbiome
Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications are closed.

How to predict trends in a pandemic

April 19, 2021 - Speciality Food
in the media
Fine food providers are striving to stay ahead of changing trends and consumer demands while managing the ongoing ambiguity over the mid-to-long-term future, writes Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe.
Reversing the obesity epidemic by detecting risks in childhood
Monitoring complex food products to increase trust in food
Using rapeseed protein to produce dairy alternatives
Increasing access to more nutritious plant foods
It is well known that alternative proteins can carry sustainable and ethical advantages over meat, but are we sacrificing our health for the planet’s?
Using new alternative proteins ingredients to produce high quality meat alternatives
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