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VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland


VTT is one of the leading research, development and innovation organisations in Europe. We help our customers and society to grow and renew through applied research. The business sector and the entire society get the best benefit from VTT when we solve challenges that require world-class know-how and translate them into business opportunities. Our vision is that a brighter future is created through science-based innovations. VTT - beyond the obvious.

Competences & Capabilities

VTT’s services increase the competitiveness of our customers’ businesses, improve and speed up R&D. Our expertise range from solutions for natural resources and environment to smart industry and energy systems and knowledge-intensive products and services. VTT helps companies to move forward with digital transformation. We offer our customers access to our cross-disciplinary technological expertise, unique research infrastructure and comprehensive partnership networks.

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Youth Mission

2022 > 2023
project Impact Funding Framework
​Young people are a critical part of our future. They will deliver the deep change our world requires. Youth Mission is EIT Food’s Umbrella programme aiming to pique youth’s interest in the food that reaches their plates and become the…
The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.
EIT Food will be part of projects that address urban food challenges and include local governance
Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.
Households contribute to 53% of total food waste produced.
We are proposing that a labelling system such as the front-of-pack nutrition wheel could offer an opportunity for the transparency information relating to sustainability indicators to be displayed on food packaging to aid communication…
The Smart Tags communication project is set to increase consumer trust towards food products by sharing information about the food product value chain during the whole life-cycle of the product, enabling novel service concepts and…
EIT Food Government Executive Academy brings together public sector representatives from 22 RIS countries, researchers working in the field of agrifood innovations from industry, academia and European institutions.
The main objectives of the SME workshops are an innovation process around “sustainable food production” to identify challenges and solutions in an accelerated innovation process building on the experiences of a previous project.
Using new alternative proteins ingredients to produce high quality meat alternatives
Bringing precision fermentation to the mass market
Capacity building and education for the public sector
The project will provide information on how the corona crisis will lead to changes in consumer behaviour.
Creating smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe requires an infrastructure and capacity to stimulate and support innovation and entrepreneurship.
The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.
Matis, University of Cambridge, IARFR PAS and VTT will run a venture creation workshop connected to a scientific event or fair Finland in 2020.
Co-creating initiatives to increase consumer trust in food


2019 > 2020
To create smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe we need to develop both infrastructure and capacity which stimulate and supports innovation and entrepreneurship.
The #AnnualFoodAgenda encourages consumers to think about the food they eat, increasing their knowledge of the entire value chain, and linking healthy diets to an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as to a healthier planet.

Games of Food

2019 > 2020
Games of Food is increasing public awareness around balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the use of Escape games.

Health SnaP

2019 > 2020
The purpose of this activity is to support healthy eating by developing a new food manufacturing technology and B2C business concept for at-site customised production of healthy snacks.
Fruits, berries, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices are promoted as healthy foods that are consumed fresh or as part, for example snack bars, breakfast cereals or ready-to-eat meals.
As the world’s population continuously grows, achieving global food security, producing sufficient nutritious food that everyone can access, and doing so sustainably, is one of the greatest challenges faced today.
30 students from many study backgrounds and many countries will come together to use their scientific expertise to come up with new concepts and products that will lead to sustainable utilisation of marine resources.
Supermarkets and consumers collaborate to make sustainable consumption easy.
In 2023, EIT Food continued to work closely with six other EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) to advance key topics aligned with the European Commission's agenda.
Join us for the online launch of our groundbreaking study on how to make startup-corporate collaborations thrive in the agrifood...
Accelerating Protein Diversification for Europe is a policy brief on protein diversification, presenting a series of policy recommendations aimed at accelerating progress towards a transformative shift in how we produce and consume…