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Sales Booster

Explore new markets and grow your venture in the agrifood sector


Sales Booster is a custom-made programme of EIT Food that helps innovative startups explore and enter new agrifood markets in Europe.  

We support startups with training, coaching, expert advice, and network to prepare for their development and growth in new markets. The programme offers highly customized support to innovative startups serving their needs on an individual basis. 

Sales Booster is designed for the two types of innovative startups: 

  • agrifood startups with impactful solutions in one of EIT Food’s focus areas and 
  • startups from other sectors with solutions that can be applied in the agrifood industry.

Sales Booster 2023 Edition is now closed and we are reviewing the applications. 

Why join?

  • Build an internationalisation/expansion action plan to boost your sales

Create a robust plan to support your expansion outside your home market. Analyse your options with the help of a personal growth advisor and experts from the EIT Food network.

  • Explore new markets in Europe and forge partnerships for future growth

Get introduced to leading agrifood experts and companies with the support of the EIT Food network. Explore new markets in Europe and connect with potential customers and partners.

  • Receive training

Participate in short dynamic sessions that combine peer-to-peer learning and tailored advice from industry leaders.

  • Learn from fellow founders

Become part of the community of agrifood founders looking to grow their innovative companies. Exchange your experience with fellow participants and learn from the EIT Food alumni.

Programme outline

  • Application

Tell us about your growth strategy, team, achievements, and motivation to join the programme. Let us know where and why you want to expand and how you plan to achieve these goals.

  • Startup selection

All startups will be informed about the selection results by July 14th. Startups selected to join Sales Booster will be asked to sign a participation agreement confirming their commitment to the programme.

  • Sales Booster programme

Sales Booster will run online from July to mid-November, 2023. A detailed programme schedule will be presented to the selected startups upon announcement of the selection results.

The programme will provide tailored support to each startup considering its growth stage, current needs, and geographical focus.

All teams will attend a short introductory workshop with leading business and agrifood experts. It will be followed up by an individual work with their personal growth advisor who will support their exploration process, help them assess their needs, and develop an internationalisation/expansion plan.

Startups can request meetings with business and industry experts from the EIT Food network and our pool of experienced coaches.

By the end of the programme, each startup will develop an internationalisation action plan for a chosen country or for startups from other industries a plan of entering agrifood sector.

For whom?

Sales Booster is a programme designed for two types of innovative startups:

Apply for Sales Booster if:

  • your innovative product or solution achieved considerable results in sales;
  • you have consolidated your home market and you are looking to expand within the geographical area covered by EIT Food;
  • you have a sales/business development team and resources available to start expanding your sales abroad;
  • you are fully committed to participating in the programme and working with experts and advisors.

The detailed programme description and timeline can be found in Terms Conditions Sales Booster 2023 of the programme before applying.

Eligibility criteria

  • Your startup is registered in one of the following RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain);
  • You have an innovative agrifood technology/solution fitting one of EIT Food’s focus areas and contributing to at least one of EIT Food missions OR you have an impactful product/solution in another sector that can be applied in the agrifood industry fitting one of EIT Food’s focus areas and contributing to at least one of EIT Food missions;
  • You are looking to expand within the geographical area covered by EIT Food (in case of agrifood sector);
  • You have submitted a complete application in English;
  • You are not currently enrolled in EIT Food Accelerator Network or RisingFoodStars association.


Apply now here: The deadline is on 5th of July 2023.

The detailed programme description and timeline can be found in Terms Conditions Sales Booster 2023 of the programme.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to email one of the Sales Booster Project Leads.

Project lead

Ewa Karolewska EIT Food North & East

Senior Project Manager on Startup Support

Amparo San Jose02
Amparo de San José EIT Food South

Regional Business Creation Portfolio Manager

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