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Related Proof of Concepts

The Proof of Concept Societal Potential (PoC) is an opportunity offered by EIT FOOD for consortia to spend sufficient time on testing and demonstrating the relevance of a proposed approach chosen for establishing the societal impact feasibility of a project.

In 2023, 7 PoCs were selected, 3 of which are related to Youth Mission’s aims.


The Food Science Web

There is a need for an accessible/appealing and engaging venue for young consumers to access fact-based, scientifically correct information, without any conflicts of interest. The Food Science Web, proposed in this PoC could be such a platform. It can help consumers meet their information needs for specific food knowledge which could then also improve their food involvement and engagement. The Food Science Web would also be valuable for the food industry, which could easily direct consumers to fact-based information and thereby contribute to increased transparency in the food system.

With the implementation of the PoC MATIS, The University of Iceland and the University of Warsaw aim to (1) identify the most efficient path for the creation and establishment of the Food Science Web, (2) evaluate the interest and engagement of stakeholders in Iceland and Poland, (3) test-run selected Food Science Web material in Iceland and (4) measure the impact of the Food Science Web in terms of interest, trust and usability, and thereby assessing its societal potential.

Timeline: April – September 2023

Contact info: Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir & Thora Valsdóttir;


Plant-based Kitchen Adventure

Hungary has the highest obesity rates in Europe, with 25% of children overweight and with 45% and 55% of its population admitted not eating fresh fruits or vegetables, respectively, on a daily basis (State of Health in the EU - Hungary, 2021). Adolescents have even poorer stats with 60% not eating either fruits or vegetables every day.

Studies say eating home-cooked meals is associated with better dietary quality and health outcomes, greater fruit and vegetable intake and decreased BMI (Mills et al., 2017). Children with a low frequency of eating home-cooked meals were 2.27 times more likely to be obese.

This PoC, which will be implemented by Climate Smart Elephant in Hungary, wants to achieve a behavior change through a cooking intervention for children aged 10-12 and their parents, with the aims at (1) having them cook more at home and push them toward healthier and more sustainable dietary choices, while also (2) educating them about the food system and the consequences of their choices. If the PoC results are promising, Climate Smart Elephant (3) plans to involve participants in shortening the food supply chain.

Timeline: March-September 2023

Contact info: Viktoria Soos & Laszlo Jaczenko;

Climate Smart Elephant climate communication and education agency, Climate Smart Elephant

Education Toolkit

This PoC aims to support the EU's efforts towards a more sustainable food system by placing consumers at the centre of this transition, starting with young people, and recognizing their key role in the necessary transformation.

Vest Stroy, Agricultural University of Plovdiv and the University of the Peloponnese, will target with the PoC students aged between 12–14 years in Bulgaria and Greece. It will equip them with the skills they need to make the shift toward healthier food choices, and towards products and services that facilitate healthy and sustainable diets. Additionally, participants will share their knowledge with their families and peers, which will bring about behavioural changes by their families and their wider circle.

As part of the PoC, the project team will create a Food and Nutrition education toolkit that will provide a teaching methodology that can be easily transferred to the classroom and become part of the curriculum.

Participants will finalize their educational journey by participating in an entrepreneurial workshop that provides them with an opportunity to share what they have learned and the potential solutions they feel need to be put into practice to facilitate the change to healthy and sustainable food systems.

Parallel to this, the PoC will pioneer a connection between the schools, restaurants, and local farmers. Children will be introduced to the process of growing the produce, its journey to the market through farmers' markets, and its preparation into healthy and nutritious meals.