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Our Impact in 2022

FoodEducators reached 382 teachers and 39,354 students last year through a variety of interactive and engaging activities. Explore our impact in 2022 by reading our Action Report and be part of our success in 2023 and beyond!

What impact did FoodEducators have in 2022?

Last year, we reached hundreds of teachers and thousands of students through our activities that educate children about healthy and sustainable food choices and inspire young people to learn about our food system and consider a future career in our agrifood industry.

See what we have accomplished in 2022 - Download our report here

Our activities include:

  • Teacher handbooks - we created 2 handbooks containing lesson plans for teachers to use in-class and we provided training for teachers to use these resources effectively and confidently.

  • Career Days - we hosted career days with agrifood businesses to teach children about different food-related jobs and to inspire young people to want to work in our food system.

  • Los Salvacomidas - we hosted a contest for schools where children could win their school a cash prize of 1000€, by creating a fun class project that showcased what they had learned about healthy eating.

During the pilot phase of FoodEducators in 2022, our materials were disseminated to teachers in 5 countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel and Spain.

What we hope to achieve in 2023 and beyond!

In 2023, FoodEducators will extend its reach in the 5 pilot countries and introduce 3 new countries to the programme: Poland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Our focus will be on researching, synthesising, enhancing and testing existing materials and developing new exciting materials where needed. We will also be hosting national competitions and introducing our programme at science events across Europe to engage children in healthy and sustainable food systems and inspire teachers to use our resources in-class.

Together, let’s educate and inspire young people to make healthy and sustainable food choices!

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