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Applications for the 2023 EWA edition are closed.

Eligibility criteria

  1. To be a female entrepreneur with passion for the agrifood sector and a business idea.
  2. To be located in: Estonia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine.
  3. (In the case of a business registered) To have founded the company no longer than 2 years ago.
  4. To have received less than EUR 30,000 in public and private financing.
  5. To be committed to participate in the program and participate in its events.


  • If you're not sure if this programme is for you, we strongly encourage you to try! You might be surprised how good your idea is!
  • The application is open to potential participants for a minimum of one month and requires the completion of an online application form (in each language).
  • The dates of activities at local levels are determined on a working basis for the benefit of EWA Programme participants.
  • The mentoring and training process is done online or offline, with sessions every 1-2 weeks, with a duration of 2-3 hours depending on the training.
  • There are at least 2 in-person events organized during the programme. Learn more about them in Terms & Conditions.
  • Each participant receives €1,000 gross stipend as a support in enabling an active participation in programmes activities (e.g. travel, child care).
  • It is a flexible programme, the sessions may be recorded, so if you miss one you will be able to catch up!
  • This programme is directed towards participants’ personal development as an entrepreneurs. We will help you develop your business idea, but we will also focus on your personal development, together with your confidence.
  • This programme is open to ideas on different paths of the business development from an unestablished idea to an established startup looking for financing.
  • The programme is run in dedicated countries in the local languages.
  • Women in Agrifood Summit is an event organized around December summarizing the entire programme each year, the purpose of which is to connect all participants of the EWA Programme.