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Healthier Lives Through Food

We will make a material difference to quality of life by enabling more consumers to have better choices through access to affordable, healthier food products and actionable information.

Nutritious, diverse food choices can benefit people and planet, but challenges in affordability, profitability and lack of awareness means unhealthy food products are often favoured by both industry and consumers. To increase the uptake of balanced, sustainable and healthy diets, we need greater levels of awareness about the relationship between nutrition and health, increased support for innovative solutions for affordable products, and policy interventions that prioritise soil health, nutrition and food education.

Want to learn more about opportunities to achieve healthier lives through food?

in the media
A new report by EIT Food - one of the eight communities to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe - reveals only 47% of Europeans trust the food sector. French consumers lead the pack in scepticism.
in the media
A new Europe-wide study of more than 20,000 consumers shows that less than half of consumers have confidence in the food sector and just a third of consumers believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
While less than half of European consumers (47%) trust the integrity of food products, in Spain more than 6 out of 10 do (62%), according to the EIT Food Trust report, and especially the confidence in farmers, the highest of all groups in…
in the media
Less than half of consumers in Europe (47%) say they have confidence in the integrity of food products, significantly below the average in Spain, which reaches 62%. In other words, six out of 10 consumers trust manufacturers, while 57%…

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in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
As some restaurants, cafes and takeaways in England are told to display calorie information on their menus, OK! asked experts about the change in law.
Future-proof or future ready? Read our Food Foresight report and learn how the coronavirus will transform the agrifood sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)!
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…
With the aim of disseminating good habits and healthy initiatives to society, generate collaborative relationships with the media and value the objectives for which EIT was created, EIT Food organises a Journalism Award in Agrifood…
in the media
A new report by EIT Food - one of the eight communities to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe - reveals only 47% of Europeans trust the food sector. French consumers lead the pack in scepticism.
in the media
A new Europe-wide study of more than 20,000 consumers shows that less than half of consumers have confidence in the food sector and just a third of consumers believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
While less than half of European consumers (47%) trust the integrity of food products, in Spain more than 6 out of 10 do (62%), according to the EIT Food Trust report, and especially the confidence in farmers, the highest of all groups in…
in the media
Less than half of consumers in Europe (47%) say they have confidence in the integrity of food products, significantly below the average in Spain, which reaches 62%. In other words, six out of 10 consumers trust manufacturers, while 57%…
in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
As some restaurants, cafes and takeaways in England are told to display calorie information on their menus, OK! asked experts about the change in law.
Future-proof or future ready? Read our Food Foresight report and learn how the coronavirus will transform the agrifood sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)!
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…
With the aim of disseminating good habits and healthy initiatives to society, generate collaborative relationships with the media and value the objectives for which EIT was created, EIT Food organises a Journalism Award in Agrifood…
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