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Food Design Awards 2023

Tue, September 12, 2023
until Fri, September 15, 2023
La Nave (Madrid, Spain)

EIT Food will be taking in part in the 5th edition of Food Design Fest, an event organised by Singular Foods and Revista Alimentaria who aims to connect design with agrifood innovation and create networks between startups and experts. From 12th to 15th of September, La Nave (Madrid, Spain) will be hosting several debates, round tables and conferences with experts from different fields, such as the agrifood industry or innovation.


EIT Food's role

EIT Food South will be playing a big role from September 13th to 15th: 

On September 13th

  • From 12.30 to 14.30 h, Belen Moscoso, Corporate Venturing Manager South, and Iñigo Rodilla, Regional Project Manager, will be holding a bootcamp about entrepreneurship in the Business Area. 
  • At 12.50 h, Elvira Domingo, RIS Programme Manager, along with many other experts, will participate in a discussion panel which tackles agrifood innovation. The sessión will be hold at Teatro Auditorio La Nave.
  • At 17.50 h, Belen Moscoso will join a discussion panel at Plaza Central La Nave focused on venture building.

On September 14th

The Food Design Festival will hold the 1st Food Design Awards (FOODA) at 19.00 h in La Nave Auditorium, where Begoña Pérez Villarreal, Director of EIT Food South, will perform as a jury to honour enterprises and professionals that work hand-to-hand with design and agrifood innovation. The awards count with 20 nominees and 5 categories: 

  • Design
  • Product
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Trajectory

On September 15th

The last day of the event at 12.00 h, Iñigo Rodilla, together with other experts, will be part of a discussion panel hold in Teatro Auditorio La Nave to talk about the opportunities and challenges that gastronomy faces in retail spaces. 


Book your ticket!

If you are interest in joining the event, book your ticket here and dive into an event where food and design comes together as one! 

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