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Circular Food Systems

We are encouraging the shift from linear to circular, sustainable food systems, in which resources are reused, nutrients recycled, by-products reduced and what remains is reutilised.

Transitioning to a circular economy

Our current linear model of ‘make, use, and dispose’ is inefficient, wasteful and unsustainable. We need to move from this to a circular food system where we use resources more efficiently and re-use side and waste streams. At EIT Food, we are working with entrepreneurs and food system stakeholders to drive innovation forward and scale sustainable, circular food solutions.

Creating an innovative food antioxidant from Olive oil by-products
As consumers, we rely on the food industry to provide us with the foods we want and need. Is the food industry doing a good job at this? We ask consumers whether they trust the industry to do the right thing.
Get matched with a farmer and test your solution on the field!
Improving the food system requires innovative solutions that have real impact. However, achieving impact is challenging because the best ideas and talent often struggle to reach the open market and achieve impact at scale. At EIT Food, we…

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

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In 2015, 322 million tonnes of plastic were produced worldwide, but only 30 percent of plastic waste in the European Union was ever collected for recycling. The rest was either sent to landfill (31 percent) or incinerated (39 percent).…
The scale of food waste in the European Union is staggering — every year about 88 million tonnes of food are wasted across Europe, at a cost of €143 billion. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), this means that…
Feeding the world in 2050 will be challenging. With increasing numbers of mouths to feed, overstretched land resources and the threats to our food system posed by climate change; could efficiency and equity be the key to sustainably…
The agrifood industry has created many problems, but these challenges also come with many opportunities for innovation and change. The global community is working towards improving the food system, but different actors have to be involved:…

Transitioning to a circular economy

A circular food system could phase out the concept of food waste as we know it, contributing to a more sustainable world... but what are the key challenges and solutions?

Shockingly, we dispose of a third of all the food we produce and a lot of food waste is linked to 'date marking'. Maria Hidalgo, Co-Founder and CEO ColorSensing, is on a mission to change this with her startup ColorSensing. Discover how…
In 2017, the United Nations (UN) Department of Economic and Social Affairs reviewed global demographic trends and concluded a forecast of the world population to reach 9.8 billion in 2050. The outlook on an increase in population of…
Developing a sustainable, economically viable feed for bivalve shellfish

Related partners

Creating an innovative food antioxidant from Olive oil by-products
As consumers, we rely on the food industry to provide us with the foods we want and need. Is the food industry doing a good job at this? We ask consumers whether they trust the industry to do the right thing.
Get matched with a farmer and test your solution on the field!
Improving the food system requires innovative solutions that have real impact. However, achieving impact is challenging because the best ideas and talent often struggle to reach the open market and achieve impact at scale. At EIT Food, we…
In 2015, 322 million tonnes of plastic were produced worldwide, but only 30 percent of plastic waste in the European Union was ever collected for recycling. The rest was either sent to landfill (31 percent) or incinerated (39 percent).…
The scale of food waste in the European Union is staggering — every year about 88 million tonnes of food are wasted across Europe, at a cost of €143 billion. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), this means that…
Feeding the world in 2050 will be challenging. With increasing numbers of mouths to feed, overstretched land resources and the threats to our food system posed by climate change; could efficiency and equity be the key to sustainably…
The agrifood industry has created many problems, but these challenges also come with many opportunities for innovation and change. The global community is working towards improving the food system, but different actors have to be involved:…
Shockingly, we dispose of a third of all the food we produce and a lot of food waste is linked to 'date marking'. Maria Hidalgo, Co-Founder and CEO ColorSensing, is on a mission to change this with her startup ColorSensing. Discover how…
In 2017, the United Nations (UN) Department of Economic and Social Affairs reviewed global demographic trends and concluded a forecast of the world population to reach 9.8 billion in 2050. The outlook on an increase in population of…
Developing a sustainable, economically viable feed for bivalve shellfish
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