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Circular Food Systems

We are encouraging the shift from linear to circular, sustainable food systems, in which resources are reused, nutrients recycled, by-products reduced and what remains is reutilised.

Transitioning to a circular economy

Our current linear model of ‘make, use, and dispose’ is inefficient, wasteful and unsustainable. We need to move from this to a circular food system where we use resources more efficiently and re-use side and waste streams. At EIT Food, we are working with entrepreneurs and food system stakeholders to drive innovation forward and scale sustainable, circular food solutions.

in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

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Podcast #93

The Big Takeaway Series 3

It’s that time again! Matt is back with another Big Takeaway Episode, picking out some of the standout moments in Series 3 from food loss and regenerative agriculture, to protein diversification and tackling inequality in the food system.

Youth Mission

2022 > 2023
project Impact Funding Framework
​Young people are a critical part of our future. They will deliver the deep change our world requires. Youth Mission is EIT Food’s Umbrella programme aiming to pique youth’s interest in the food that reaches their plates and become the…
Podcast #88

Spotlight: Glucanova on nutritious, sustainable food concepts

Ana Rascón, CEO at Glucanova, highlights how their technology is creating liquid oat products which are high in fibre, sustainable and nutritious.

Transitioning to a circular economy

A circular food system could phase out the concept of food waste as we know it, contributing to a more sustainable world... but what are the key challenges and solutions?

As we look ahead to accelerate the transformation of the food system, EIT Food has combined expert insights and analysis to highlight the top 5 European food trends in 2022...
Podcast #87

Emerging trends in the food system: 2022 and beyond

In this special episode, Matt is joined by Ed Bergen, a Senior Analyst at FutureBridge, to discuss predictions for the food system in 2022 and the emerging trends which we can expect to see in the sector.

Podcast #84

The future of food with EIT Food's FutureFoodMakers

Join Matt backstage at the Future of Food conference where he gets the lowdown from EIT Food FutureFoodMakers Sasha Cohen Ioannides, Chloé Dorin and Emilija Oreščanin.

The EIT Food FutureFoodMakers have launched their manifesto for the food system, the Menu for Change. Find out more about their calls to action for European food sector stakeholders.

Related partners

in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…
Podcast #93

The Big Takeaway Series 3

It’s that time again! Matt is back with another Big Takeaway Episode, picking out some of the standout moments in Series 3 from food loss and regenerative agriculture, to protein diversification and tackling inequality in the food system.

Youth Mission

2022 > 2023
project Impact Funding Framework
​Young people are a critical part of our future. They will deliver the deep change our world requires. Youth Mission is EIT Food’s Umbrella programme aiming to pique youth’s interest in the food that reaches their plates and become the…
Podcast #88

Spotlight: Glucanova on nutritious, sustainable food concepts

Ana Rascón, CEO at Glucanova, highlights how their technology is creating liquid oat products which are high in fibre, sustainable and nutritious.

As we look ahead to accelerate the transformation of the food system, EIT Food has combined expert insights and analysis to highlight the top 5 European food trends in 2022...
Podcast #87

Emerging trends in the food system: 2022 and beyond

In this special episode, Matt is joined by Ed Bergen, a Senior Analyst at FutureBridge, to discuss predictions for the food system in 2022 and the emerging trends which we can expect to see in the sector.

Podcast #84

The future of food with EIT Food's FutureFoodMakers

Join Matt backstage at the Future of Food conference where he gets the lowdown from EIT Food FutureFoodMakers Sasha Cohen Ioannides, Chloé Dorin and Emilija Oreščanin.

The EIT Food FutureFoodMakers have launched their manifesto for the food system, the Menu for Change. Find out more about their calls to action for European food sector stakeholders.
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