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PASS will design plasma-assisted sanitation systems for packaging, equipment and tools used in the processing and handling of food products as a barrier to viruses and bacteria


As part of the EIT’s Crisis Response Initiative, this activity directly contributes to the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research suggests that some viruses can survive on material surfaces such as metals, glass and plastic. This project aimed to develop plasma-assisted sanitation systems for packaging materials, equipment and tools used in the processing and handling food products. This involved identifying and assessing the specific plasma parameters which can induce inactivation of resistant viruses and has been used to develop a pre-industrial prototype.

In addition, this new sanitation system offers a more environmentally friendly alternative to the use of sanitising chemical solutions. Not only are these solutions bad for the environment, they also are high in cost and have disadvantages in terms of economic and environmental sustainability.

Project update

PASS has contributed to fighting the spread of SARS-CoV-2 by developing an innovative plasma-assisted ​sanitation system, for the decontamination of packaging surfaces, processing and handling of food products.

The plasma system is especially applicable for elderly care facilities, hospitals, school and catering services. It also provides an environmentally friendly alternative to sanitising chemical solutions for decontamination. In Italy, 2 prototypes have already been sold to universities, and the consortium is currently exploring other EU markets. 


Project lead

Pietro Rocculi
Pietro Rocculi

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