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InfraBooster Practitioner

Advanced level training for representatives of scientific organisations that own Research Infrastructures.

The application process status: CLOSED

InfraBooster Practitioner is the second level of InfraBooster educational modules helping better understand the competitive edge of research infrastructures, design innovative infrastructure-based services, identify potential industrial partners and start industrial outreach.

InfraBooster Practitioner helps prepare marketing collateral that highlights differentiators and benefits important for their target clients, understand the needs of specific industries/companies, identify potential clients and initiate service sales processes.

*) The application must be sent to: latest by: September the 14th, 2023

Eligible applicants

  • Apply as team of 3 or 4 members, including at least one member who has already graduated from InfraBooster Foundation in April, May, June or July 2023.
  • Reside and work in one of the regions covered by EIT Regional Innovation Scheme and Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Türkiye and Ukraine.
  • Be employed at a HEI or public research institute which owns commercially relevant research infrastructures.
  • Priority will be given to teams with diverse background, including researchers and support personnel (such as technology transfer, marketing specialists, financial or research officers).


  • Members of shortlisted team applications who have not yet graduated from InfraBooster Foundation will be obliged to attend a dedicated Foundation training on the 28th of September, 2023 and graduate from the training, as a pre-condition for the teams' acceptance for InfraBooster Practitioner training.
  • All accepted team members are required to attend all training modules on specific days in October-November 2023 and the final session in December 2023.
  • Applicants indicate the preferred day of the week (Tuesday or Thursday) for their InfraBooster Practitioner training. The organizers reserve the right to reallocate accepted teams to another cohort/day if the capacity for the indicated weekday exceeds its limit.
  • InfraBooster Practitioner only invites applicant teams who have obtained the support of top management (dean/rector/director) confirming that: the institution owns the research infrastructure described in the application; the management supports the application and has the intention to use the research infrastructure for collaboration with industrial companies; team members will be able to attend all training modules on dates specified in the call; team members will be involved in the future sales and delivery of services for industrial companies, based on the research infrastructure.
  • Applicant teams must describe only one research infrastructure in one application. The same institution can submit more than one application (no upper limit), but each application should list a different team of applicants.
  • InfraBooster organisers also reserve the right to accept only a limited number of applicant teams. The exact number will be decided proportionally to the total number of received applications.
  • All workshops will be held in English, and training participants will prepare individual and team assignments in English. Therefore, good command of English is required from all participants (including the ability to engage in team discussions, prepare documents and present in English).

Course outline

EIT Food InfraBooster Practitioner is the second level of InfraBooster educational modules and comprises sessions, which:

  • aim to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to specify the strengths of RIs at their institution, forming the basis of future commercialization efforts, including by collecting and analysing relevant market insights and data,
  • help participants develop marketing collateral, identify potential clients/generate leads, offer commercial services using the RIs, initiate contact with potential clients, present infrastructure-based services, and negotiate/discuss collaboration terms and pricing.

The course is delivered as synchronous online training, involving presentations, case studies, design thinking, team assignments, group discussions, Q&A and final team project assignments.

Preceding and following modules

EIT Food InfraBooster Practitioner as the second level of the training program is preceded by InfraBooster Foundation serving as the foundation for Practitioner training:

  • helps participants identify the most viable research infrastructures;
  • enables beneficiary organisations to encourage multiple research teams to apply once the basic understanding has been gained.

EIT Food InfraBooster Practitioner will be followed by the Expert level modules focusing on:

  • RIs management, including intellectual property, risks, legal and financial aspects.

Development and implementation

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