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Food Foresight on the impact of COVID-19

Future-proof or future ready? Learn how COVID-19 will transform the agrifood sector in Central, Eastern and South Europe!


The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the most pressing challenges in our complicated food system.

  • What can we do to better prepare for the ​transformation of the agrifood sector caused by coronavirus?
  • How can we grasp the opportunities that come out of the crisis and improve our food?

As the EU Commission stated, Strategic foresights will play a key role in helping future-proof EU policymaking by ensuring that short-term initiatives are grounded in a longer-term perspective. The EIT Food Strategic Foresight Analysis outlines how COVID-19 has affected the agrifood system in Europe, what the possible future scenarios are and how we can use the opportunities that come out of this pandemic.

The findings of the “EIT Food Strategic Foresight Analysis on how COVID-19 has affected agrifood system in South and Central Eastern Europe” are very timely and will be very useful to help the Commission to design new support measures. To start with, they will provide valuable information for the preparations of the first biannual Work Programme of Horizon Europe (...). This will include also investment in five Horizon Europe Missions, including a Mission on Soil Health and Food. I am convinced that agrifood sector in Europe will have a brilliant future full of opportunities if we work together to take full advantage of them.

- Mariya GABRIEL, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

Key insights from South and Central European countries will be shared in the following areas:

  • Primary production
  • Food manufacturing and supply chain
  • Retail
  • HoReCa
  • Consumer habits

Project lead

Aleksandra Nizynska
Aleksandra Nizynska

Senior RIS Project Manager and Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Lara Rodríguez EIT Food South

Senior Regional Project Manager

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