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Corporate Venturing Launchpad | Greece

The South Europe Corporate Venturing Community is a learning community for innovation leaders of agrifood companies.

EIT Food South is committed to facilitating the growth and success of Greek corporations in their open innovation journey, by providing them with a platform to connect, learn, and access resources. We aim to empower these corporations to drive meaningful and impactful innovation in the agrifood sector.

Do you want to be part of it? Contact us! 👇

Agenda - Thessaloniki, 24th May

09.30h Welcome & Opening

Amparo San Jose, EIT Food - Michalis Stangos, Industry Disruptors

10.00h Introduction to Corporate Venturing and Open Innovation as a Tool to boost company innovation

Toni Davila, HEC

11.00h Corporate Venturing Practices: choosing the right instrument

Toni Davila, HEC

12.00h Break

12.30h Ahead of the game: Corporate Venturing in practice

Christoph Mandl, EIT FOOD - Marlos Henrique Silva, SONAE - Amaia Errontegui, Grupo Mondragon - Moderated by Amparo de San José, EIT Food

13.15h Lunch

14.15h Defining corporate & startup collaboration frameworks Case study & Group dynamic

Toni Davila, HEC

15.30h Defining, Monitoring, and assessing success in corporate startup collaboration

Toni Davla, HEC

16.00h Break

16.20h The ups and downs of collaborating with startups

Thomas Seitaridis, Deyaph - Vasilis Stenos, Solmeyea - Vlasis Tsezos - Agritrack - Artemis Hatzigeorgiou, Delta

17.30h Closure

Begoña Perez Villarreal, EIT Food South Director

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