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Albania is the 13th largest producer of figs in the world

The agrifood sector, a solid pillar of the Albanian economy

Albania is distinguished for its rich biological diversity. The country is characterised by a mild climate, fertile land and abundant water resources. Albania produces significant amounts of wheat, corn, tobacco, figs (13th largest producer in the world) and olives.

Room for Improvement

Because of farms’ small size and limited mechanization, the agriculture sector remains largely underdeveloped. The limited use of fertilizers and pesticides creates opportunities for organic agriculture.

Albanian pies are among the most characteristic and emblematic dishes in traditional cuisine. They can be either sweet or savory. Notable pies include pite, flia, byrek, Pepeq, Shaprak, and Qollopita.

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We offer women on the EIT community access to a broad network, mentoring, coaching and training opportunities to take their managerial and leadership skills to the next level.
We help women with STEAM studies start their careers in venture investment by training them in the fundamentals of this profession and matching them with investors (venture capital, corporate venture capital or corporate venturing units)…

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