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Novafert | 3rd General Assembly

Wed, September 13, 2023
until Thu, September 14, 2023
EIT Food South Office, Lekandene (Laida Bidea, Polígono Parque Tecnológico, 205, 48170 Zamudio, Vizcaya, Spain)

Novafert is a project which aims to foster alternative fertilising and sustainable products to ensure a circular economy.

Nowadays, a regenerative agriculture is becoming necessary for our fields; materials such as organic, organo-mineral and mineral bio-based fertilisers are of huge importance to stop imported mineral fertilisers. However, a change can't be made if the real key person is a stranger to the problem and solution. Therefore, Novafert works closely with farmers and citizens to rise awareness about the great capabilities of the alternative fertilising. 


The 3rd round of Novafert General Assembly 

From the 13th to the 14th of September, EIT Food and Ugent (Ghent University) have organised the III Novafert General Assembly, a closed consortium meeting between partners, for instance:

  • IPS Konzalting (Croatia)         
  • UVIC Fundacio Universitaria Balmes (Spain)     
  • Bioazul (Spain) 
  • LUKE Luonnonvarakeskus (Finland) 
  • TEAGASC (Ireland)         
  • IMPACT (Belgium) 
  • MEERI Instytut Gospodarki (Poland) 

Over 2 days, the team of EIT Food South, Carmen Galindo, Project Manager; Néstor Etxaleku, Project Specialist; and Paula Hafner, Key Account Manager South, have arranged a variety of sessions to challenge circular economy and sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, the event will end with an exciting stop off at Neiker, Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development located in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. 


The Agenda

Here you will find the complete agenda for the 2-day event. 

Wednesday, 13th September 

14.00 Welcome and introduction to the meeting. | EIT FOOD & UGent

14.15 Status of the Project: 1st year – Where are we now? | UGent

14.30 Collaboration with other projects (FERPLAY, Nutri2cycle, NutriKnow) |  UGent - TEAGASC

14.45 WP1- Mapping nutrient recycling technologies and products. | TEAGASC

15.30 Break

16.00 WP2 - WP2 Mapping current LCAs methods, Risk assessment + LCA of selected P/T: Environmental criteria. | UVIC

16.45 WP3 - Supporting policy formulation to overcome existing barriers & implementation at local & EU level | UGent

17.30 Questions - AOB

17.45 End of meeting

20.00 Social Dinner


Thursday, 14th September 

8.45 Arrival and coffee

9.00 WP7 – Project Management – Updates. | UGent

9.15 WP6 – Communication and dissemination, networking and synergies with other EU projects and international organizations. | IMPACT

10.00 WP4 - Accelerate market uptake and exploitation of Lighthouse network results | EIT FOOD

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 WP5 - Stakeholder engagement | Bioazul

11.45 'Ask-me-anything' session with IAB members

13.30 Next steps for the next 6 months

13.50 End of meeting

13.50 Lunch

Special Activity

15:00-17:00 Site visit to Neiker in Vitoria 


More information here soon➡️ 



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