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Thu, December 14, 2023
until Thu, December 14, 2023

EIT Food has opened its 2024 call for the Seedbed Incubator program, for early-stage startups and university spin-offs. Join us to learn more!

EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted. We support innovative, impactful agrifood entrepreneurs and startups to deliver new food innovations and businesses across Europe.

EIT Food supports entrepreneurs across Europe, driving innovation to meet the big food challenges we face, to create a healthier, more trusted and sustainable food system.

The flagship programmes of EIT Food Business Creation have opened their 2024 call for new participants. We’d like to offer you an opportunity to learn more about the incubation programme for early-stage startups and university spin-offs: Seedbed Incubator and get answers to any questions you might have about it.



During these Information Session, the Seedbed team will inform you about EIT Food programmes available for agrifood startups and entrepreneurs. We will present the most important details of the two mentioned programmes and help you decide which is the best opportunity for your community.

Following a short 20-minute presentation, we will leave plenty of time for questions.


Who are these Information Sessions for?

This session is designed for all the agents that play a clear role in the innovation ecosystem, supporting early-stage startups and spin-off creation, like Tech-Transfer Offices from Universities and Research Institutions, Entrepreneurship contests, incubators, etc.

Entrepreneurs and startups from Europe who have innovative agri-food solutions, and are looking for support in launching and accelerating their companies.

The hosts of the sessions are EIT Food strategic partners Aarhus University and Queen´s University of Belfast.

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