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Corporate Venturing Workshop - Central-Eastern Europe

Tue, December 5, 2023
until Tue, December 5, 2023
Warsaw, Poland - city centre, details to be provided to approved participants

Join EIT Food workshop on 5th od December 2023 and a community dinner on 4th of December 2023 to meet your peers from the industry, learn about open innovation and corporate venturing and get to know practical cases and experiences from the region.

Free participation, register today to secure a place at this exclusive event. Only a limited number of places available!

  • 4th of December 2023 – pre-workshop dinner to meet other participants and break the ice in a relaxed atmosphere. Let’s start sharing experience and create connections!
  • 5th of December 2023 – whole day expert and hands-on workshop (9 AM – 5 PM)

Venue: Warsaw, centre, details to be provided to approved participantsThe workshop will be lead by a Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann. He will be joined by selected companies from the CEE region who will share their experience in open innovation and corporate venturing.

You will be able to learn about the initiatives of EIT Food supporting corporate venturing and open innovation from the EIT Food team.


The workshop will cover:

  • Concepts of corporate venturing and open innovation as a tools to boost you company’s innovation
  • Corporate venturing practices: choosing the right instrument for your company
  • Corporate venturing in practice and ups and downs of collaborating with startups (Experience of companies from the CEE region, incl. Żabka, Maspex)
  • Defining corporate & startup collaboration frameworks
  • Defining, Monitoring, and assessing success in corporate startup collaboration


Who is it for?

Agrifood Corporates from CEE (eligible EU Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Horizon Europe Associated Countries: Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine)

  • Executives in different roles: Innovation Director, Business Development Director, Research Director and other options acting as connectors between startups and the corporation, and with the entrepreneurship ecosystem in general.
  • Companies: Companies in the agrifood sector with a turnover beyond 50 million euros, no upper limit, and already committed to work with startups, some starting and some already ahead of the game



  • 9.00 AM Welcome - Marja-Liisa Meurice Pihlstrom - Director EIT Food NE
  • 9.15-9.45 AM Your expectations and ice-breaker - Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Assistant Professor at EBS Business School & Ewa Karólewska - Business Creation Team at NE office at EIT Food
  • 09.45 AM Corporate Venturing & Open Innovation as tools to boost company innovation - Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Assistant Professor at EBS Business School
  • 10.45 AM Corporate Venturing Practices: choosing the right instrument - Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Assistant Professor at EBS Business School
  • 11.45 AM Break
  • 12.00 PM Corporate Venturing/Open Innovation in practice
    Mikolaj Szyc - Acceleration Manager, Żabka
    Marta Kutyna-Bakalarska - Director of the Innovation Management Department & Bartłomiej Mielniczuk - Senior Innovation Manager/Maspex Group
    Moderated by: Christoph Mandl - Head of Corporate Venturing at EIT Food
  • 1.00 PM Lunch
  • 2.00 PM Defining corporate & startup collaboration frameworks. Case Study & Group dynamic - Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Assistant Professor at EBS Business School
  • 3.00 PM Defining, Monitoring and Asses success in corporate startup collaboration - Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Assistant Professor at EBS Business School
  • 4.00 PM Break
  • 4.15 PM The ups & downs of collaborating with startups - Natalia Kobza - Innovation Program Manager, Żabka Venture Studio, Paulina Skrzypińska, CInO BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Board Member of Endeavor Poland Moderated by: Christoph Mandl - Head of Corporate Venturing at EIT Food
  • 5.15 PM Closure - Ewa Karólewska - Business Creation Team at NE office at EIT Food



  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann - Head of the Siemens Product Innovation Lab and Co-Director of the Institute for Technology, Innovation & Customer Centricity (TICC) at the European Business School (EBS). He researches, teaches and advises companies in the areas of strategic innovation and technology management as well as corporate venturing.
  • Marja-Liisa Meurice - Director EIT Food CLC North-East. As head of EIT Food North-East she is driving the change for the agri-food sector with the Partners and Programmes of the EIT Food Consortium. She has previously worked as Vice President of Innovation for Sodexo implementing innovation process in over 70 countries, Operations and Programme Manager of EIRMA and lately as the founder of innovation platform Hyphenity gathering innovation practitioners around virtual Round Tables for exchange.
  • Marta Kutyna-Bakalarska - Director of the Innovation Management Department at the Maspex Group. She has many years of experience in the area of finance and capital investments, coordination and implementation of research projects. Active in the area of building an ecosystem of innovation and sustainable development, also in cooperation with start-ups, clusters, science and administration sectors.
  • Natalia Kobza - Innovation Program Manager, Żabka Venture Studio. Experienced in raising funds for R&D projects and accelerating startups, as well as in projects for international org. (including the UN, ESA). At Żabka Venture Studio, responsible for testing and implementing innovative solutions, as well as models of working with innovations in the Żabka Group ecosystem and examining the demand for innovations in the Group.
  • Dr. Christoph Mandl - Head of Corporate Venturing at EIT Food. An expert and leader in the field of corporate venturing. As the Head of Corporate Venturing at EIT Food, he specializes in forging strategic partnerships, driving open innovation, and facilitating collaboration between startups and established corporations.
  • Mikołaj Szyc - Acceleration Manager, Żabka. He knows innovations and startups from many sides. First, he invested in startups in CEE in the BValue VC fund. Then at Google for Startups, he was responsible for analyzing global trends based on Google searches and supporting startups in working with funds. He built his own startup from scratch, supporting local businesses in building and expanding their offer for the communities around them. Currently, at Żabka, as part of the Venture Studio, he deals with cooperation, acceleration and investments in startups.
  • Paulina Skrzypińska - CInO BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Board Member of Endeavor Poland. In the bank since 2017. In innovation – in various roles – since 2008. One of the animators of the Polish startup community, a mentor of many aspiring companies and an educator. Co-created and implemented methodologies for acquiring and adapting innovations to corporations. She connect dots professionally, with wide practice on how to scale a business, invest and find ways to sort out challenges where it is supposedly impossible.
  • Bartłomiej Mielniczuk - Senior Innovation Manager in Maspex Group - an experienced manager with over 10 years of expertise in creating and implementing innovative projects. Principal projects coordinator within EIT Food for all companies within the Maspex Group. Actively seeks and accelerates solutions within the innovation ecosystem, including startups, scientific institutions, innovators and anyone, who can deliver added value to the Maspex companies.


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