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A family-owned Group serving customers globally, Roquette is a leader in specialty food ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients. The products and solutions developed by the Group deliver proven technological, nutritional and health benefits precisely tailored to the pharma, nutrition, food and selected industry markets. Roquette’s offer is produced from plant-based raw materials such as corn, wheat, potatoes and peas.

Roquette operates in over 100 countries, has a turnover of around 3.3 billion euros and currently employs more than 8,000 people worldwide.

Competences & Capabilities

Our ambition is to be the natural source of innovative plant-based ingredients and formulations for highly demanding industries. We bring high-value nutritional and functional ingredients to our markets, backed by the cocreation services our customers require.

At Roquette, food producers find a range of plant-based solutions: plant proteins (pea- or wheat-based), soluble fibers, polyols, maltodextrins, native and modified starches, dextrose, glucose syrups and many more to discover.

Roquette’s development is based on a long history of company technology and expertise on plant-based raw materials, leading complex projects from the laboratory to the factory, as well as on the long-term partnerships the Group establishes with its customers.

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Plant-based foods are growing beyond vegan and vegetarians due to the emerging segment of the flexitarians, who seek to reduce animal protein consumption in their daily diet. Most product developments focus on meat or milk analogues.
Consumer desire for protein-rich foods and beverages is driving growth and innovation in protein ingredients.The population growth together with the changes in the food consumption patterns away from animal -derived proteins, further…
As the world’s population continuously grows, achieving global food security, producing sufficient nutritious food that everyone can access, and doing so sustainably, is one of the greatest challenges faced today.
In 2023, EIT Food continued to work closely with six other EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) to advance key topics aligned with the European Commission's agenda.
Join us for the online launch of our groundbreaking study on how to make startup-corporate collaborations thrive in the agrifood...
Accelerating Protein Diversification for Europe is a policy brief on protein diversification, presenting a series of policy recommendations aimed at accelerating progress towards a transformative shift in how we produce and consume…