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Rikolto is an international NGO building bridges of trust and trade, between the food industry, governments, research institutions, banks and farmer organisations around this one central question: “What will we eat tomorrow?”. We plant and harvest new solutions, making the food system more transparent, so consumers are able to make a sustainable choice. 

Competences & Capabilities

  • Inclusive Business models
  • Multi-stakeholder facilitation
  • Short-chain distribution platforms
  • Food strategies for cities
  • Consumer empowerment
  • Agrifood entrepreneurship & innovation
  • Healthy and sustainable food at schools
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Why waste food because it hasn't the right colour, shape, or is nearing its expiration date?

Youth Mission

2022 > 2023
project Impact Funding Framework
​Young people are a critical part of our future. They will deliver the deep change our world requires. Youth Mission is EIT Food’s Umbrella programme aiming to pique youth’s interest in the food that reaches their plates and become the…
The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.
Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.
Robin Food includes vulnerable groups in the revalorisation of extra leftovers in the food chain
The Eco food map of Leuven is a user-friendly digital food system mapping tool that will allow a thorough understanding of the complexity of the food system in and around Leuven.
Robin Food transforms surplus vegetables into soups for social grocery stores and food aid. The vegetables are sourced from regional producers and REO-auction who faced difficulties selling their products during the corona crisis.

WeValueFood 2020

2019 > 2020
WeValueFood (2-year project) has educated, engaged and advanced the young Europeans’ knowledge of and appreciation of food, thereby empowering the next generations to make the best choices about the food that they eat.
Creating smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe requires an infrastructure and capacity to stimulate and support innovation and entrepreneurship.
The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.


2019 > 2020
To create smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe we need to develop both infrastructure and capacity which stimulate and supports innovation and entrepreneurship.
Supermarkets and consumers collaborate to make sustainable consumption easy.