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Puratos   NV   is   a   global   leading   manufacturer   of   ingredients  for  bakery,  patisserie  and  chocolate.  The  vision  of  Puratos  is  built  around  taste  and  nutrition  and  a  strong  commitment  to  help  to  prepare  the  world for the next generation. This vision translates in products and solutions optimising nutritional profiles of  baked  goods,  bringing  more  grains  and  fruits  in  the  diet,  creating  transparency  in  the  supply  chain,  mobilising new sources of raw material and reducing food waste.

Competences & Capabilities

  • In-depth knowledge of consumer expectations and needs in the field of food and more specifically related to Baked good and chocolate.
  • Expertise on ingredients and technologies used in bakery patisserie and chocolate field.
  • State of the art pilot facilities technologies in bakery patisserie and chocolate field that can be activated in projects exploring market access for new ingredients or products with optimized nutritional profiles or health benefits.
  • Due to the global presence of Puratos: positioning new products and solution in a non-European context and to increase the potential for export outside of the European Union.
  • Sensorial analysis expertise and the Sensobus (mobile sensorial lab).
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The Activity Line is divided into 2 complementary programmes – RIS Fellowships dedicated to Master of Science students and graduates and RIS Talents dedicated to Ph.D. students and postdocs from EIT RIS countries which both aim to promote…
A new class of plant-based ingredients produced by a combination of an air milling, classification and electro-separation process has recently been developed and become available.
Creating an innovative food antioxidant from Olive oil by-products
A substantial part of the food industries' produce ends up to now as waste.
Consumers are increasingly demanding healthier products to fulfil their personalised nutrition needs and more natural foods (clean label) in which they can put their trust. Both are nowadays key and challenge drivers for the food industry.
EcoPack is a competition challenging 24 Master and PhD students of 3 Universities to develop new and innovative solutions.
The Food Tech Transition Summer School 2019 is the outcome of an academic partnership between Universität Hohenheim as main partner, and Queen's University Belfast and University of Cambridge, together with industrial partner Energy Pulse.
In the Food Solutions "MICROBIOME-PUSH: Into Microbiome Exploitation in Food Systems" we will focus on the applications of microbiomes in different segments of the food chain.
Based on an increasing global demand for protein and that the resulting pressure on traditional animal sources is nowadays considered unsustainable, there is an urgent need of new sustainable protein alternatives with a high nutritional…
As the world’s population continuously grows, achieving global food security, producing sufficient nutritious food that everyone can access, and doing so sustainably, is one of the greatest challenges faced today.
Reducing sugar consumption is essential for health but a huge challenge for the food industry.
Breakfast gives you a chance to start the day with a customized, tasty, healthy and nutritious meal, so you can perform better during the day.
Food Generator Track is a competition which challenges Master or PhD students of 3 Universities to develop new, innovative solutions for and from food losses of production facilities and retail activities.