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EUFIC   is   a   non-profit   organisation   that   provides   engaging  science-based  information  to  inspire  and  empower  healthier  and  more  sustainable  food  and  lifestyle choices. As a group of passionate science and communication experts, we believe in a world where people  choose  to  live  healthily  because  they  know  how to.

We bring food facts for healthy choices since 1995.

Competences & Capabilities

  • We   give   impartial   information   with   a   credible   voice.
  • We cover diverse and controversial topics with our outreach campaigns.
  • We  reach  10  million  people  through  our  website  every year.
  • We have over 50,000 online subscribers.
  • We  have  over  80,000  followers  across  our  social  media communities.
  • We talk to people in 6 languages.
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Partner in the following EIT Food projects

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The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.
The RIS* PD (Regional Innovation Scheme Professional Development) is a multidimensional educational program run by EIT Food, created to up-skill as well as to re-skill the farmers, SMEs employees, and young professionals, considered to be…
Developing technology to improve food safety
Creative infotaining is the future of knowledge transfer and co-creation among young generations.
How much do you trust your food? Learn about food supply systems, safety, sustainability and nutrition and quality.
The food that consumers buy and eat is influenced by a complex interaction of cognitive, sensory, economic, and health factors that lead to gaps between their intentions and behaviour.
Become more confident in making informed decisions about the food you eat by exploring different food controversies.
Have you ever wondered how your food is processed before it reaches your plate? Find out with this online course.
This project puts citizens at the centre of shaping high-tech innovations in food production to become healthier and more sustainable.

WeValueFood 2020

2019 > 2020
WeValueFood (2-year project) has educated, engaged and advanced the young Europeans’ knowledge of and appreciation of food, thereby empowering the next generations to make the best choices about the food that they eat.
Healthy eating in childhood tracks into adulthood, so promoting dietary variety should begin early.
The EIT FoodScienceClass aims to bring students closer to food systems by helping them understand the role of food production and technology in food safety and security.
Rebuild your trust in nutrition science and look beyond the media headlines
Co-creating initiatives to increase consumer trust in food
EATrends and food fashion week is raising awareness of the key trends that are shaping food innovation today, and empowering people to influence the way they eat.
FoodAmbassadors is a project that aims to engage food and health Influencers in order to co-create science-based content for their community.

Games of Food

2019 > 2020
Games of Food is increasing public awareness around balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the use of Escape games.
The social awareness campaign ‘Don’t be a food waster’ wants to make all audiences proud to say ‘I am not a food waster’ with the ultimate goal of reducing food waste at all levels in the food system.
Food Generator Track is a competition which challenges Master or PhD students of 3 Universities to develop new, innovative solutions for and from food losses of production facilities and retail activities.
Supermarkets and consumers collaborate to make sustainable consumption easy.


2018 > 2023
Insights used to enhance consumer trust in the food value chain.