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October 5th event: Mini-Makeathon

19 Sep 2018
2 min reading time

Dear students,

Hereby we would like to invite you to a Mini-Makeathon organized by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and PlantLab as part of the EIT Food project "Cultivating Engagement: A Citizen Participation Forum on Vertical Farming". The event will take place on the 5th of October 2018 at the Design Museum in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

During this day, students and young professionals from several studies will work together in multidisciplinary teams to develop a new food concept for vertically farmed lettuce that takes into account a challenge that vertical farming faces.

Coaches will help you to develop your food concept to the fullest, wherewith you can compete for a very unique price! The three teams with the most promising concepts will get the chance to present their concept to a professional jury during the World Food Day festival on the 13th of October in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. This jury will select the final winners.

The Mini-Makeathon will start at 9.00 and ends at 17.00. Lunch and drinks will be taken care off.

Register before the 1st of October by sending an email to (including your name + the name of your study). Questions can be send to the same address. There are only a limited number of places available (full=full), so make sure you register on time. After registration you will receive a confirmation by email.

We hope to meet you on the 5th of October!

Kind regards on behalf of the team,

Vera Colstee, Mascha Gugganig, Thong Le Hoang, Tessa Naus, Franziska Nees and Martina Söll

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