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EIT Food is involved in different initiatives with the participation of people with diverse backgrounds. Position papers, whitepapers and reports are some of the results of these initiatives, which you can find in this page.

A total of 31 items found. Showing 31 items on page 3 of 3.

Direction: Restaurant of the Future

May 11, 2022
Pobierz bezpłatnie raport "Kierunek: Restauracja Przyszłości" również w języku polskim! Uzyskaj dostęp do wyników badania i listy zrównoważonych praktyk dla sektora HoReCa, zapisując się do newslettera EIT Food poniżej. How can the HoReCa…

Position Paper | Recommendations for the New European Innovation Agenda

May 10, 2022
This report was prepared in response to the Call for Evidence published by the European Commission during the works for the New European Innovation Agenda, eventually adopted on 5 July 2022.

Position Paper: Enabling Carbon Farming in the EU

May 09, 2022
The position paper outlines EIT Food’s position and current engagement in enabling new green business models and climate-smart solutions which reward farmers for climate-positive practices, including its collaboration with other key…

Position Paper: Blue Bioeconomy

May 09, 2022
This report gathers the inputs to inform EU policies on how to scale up the sustainable production of algae and algae-based products, ensure their safe consumption and boost their innovative use in the Union.

Southern European initiatives to reduce obesity

May 09, 2022
Read our report about Southern European initiatives to reduce obesity and learn how we can transform our society with healthy habits!

Food Foresight: the Impact of COVID-19 in the Agrifood Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

April 06, 2022
Future-proof or future ready? Read our Food Foresight report and learn how the coronavirus will transform the agrifood sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)!

Food Foresight: the Impact of COVID-19 in the Agrifood Sector in Southern Europe

March 09, 2022
Due to COVID-19 we have had to rethink our production, supply chain and consumer behaviours. Read our report about the Impact of COVID-19 on the agrifood sector in Southern Europe.